Unlike Inapp purchases, Subscriptons have two levels:
In my situation I have two subscripons: "demo" and "test".
"Test" has two active Base plans: "test2" - 1 month, prepaid and "test3" - weekly, auto-renewing.
When buying only with a parameter - Array ("test") returns the results. (test2 and test3 none). In this case, Google Billing offers me to buy Base plan "test3". I do not know why? How to buy specifically base plan "test2" or another?
How to choose a specific Base plan that I want to buy?
Function used:
- Subscripton (what I want to buy) and
- Base plan (for how long, from what frequency, for how much).
In my situation I have two subscripons: "demo" and "test".
"Test" has two active Base plans: "test2" - 1 month, prepaid and "test3" - weekly, auto-renewing.
When buying only with a parameter - Array ("test") returns the results. (test2 and test3 none). In this case, Google Billing offers me to buy Base plan "test3". I do not know why? How to buy specifically base plan "test2" or another?
How to choose a specific Base plan that I want to buy?
Function used:
Private Sub Button2_Click
Msgbox2Async("Confirm subscriptions?" & CRLF & CRLF & _
"Note: For test, auto-renewal will take place max 6 times unless cancel", "CONFIRM?", "Yes", "Cancel", "", Null, False)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Confirm As Int)
If Confirm = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
Wait For (billing.ConnectIfNeeded) Billing_Connected (Result As BillingResult)
If Result.IsSuccess Then
'get the sku details
Dim sf As Object = billing.QuerySkuDetails("subs", Array("test"))
Wait For (sf) Billing_SkuQueryCompleted (Result As BillingResult, SkuDetails As List)
If Result.IsSuccess And SkuDetails.Size = 1 Then
Log( "SkuDetails:" & SkuDetails.Get(0))
Result = LaunchBillingFlow(billing, SkuDetails.Get(0), "")
If Result.IsSuccess Then
LogColor("Purchased subs", Colors.Red)
End If
End If
End If
ToastMessageShow("Error starting billing process", True)
End If
LogColor("Error: " & LastException.Message, Colors.Red)
MsgboxAsync("Subscription failed", "E R R O R")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub LaunchBillingFlow (Client As BillingClient, Sku As SkuDetails, OfferToken As String) As BillingResult
Dim ctxt As JavaObject
Dim ProductDetailsParamsBuilder As JavaObject
ProductDetailsParamsBuilder = ProductDetailsParamsBuilder.InitializeStatic("com.android.billingclient.api.BillingFlowParams.ProductDetailsParams").RunMethod("newBuilder", Null)
ProductDetailsParamsBuilder.RunMethod("setProductDetails", Array(Sku))
ProductDetailsParamsBuilder.RunMethod("setOfferToken", Array(OfferToken))
Dim ProductDetails As List = Array(ProductDetailsParamsBuilder.RunMethod("build", Null))
Dim BillingFlowParamsBuilder As JavaObject
BillingFlowParamsBuilder = BillingFlowParamsBuilder.InitializeStatic("com.android.billingclient.api.BillingFlowParams").RunMethod("newBuilder", Null)
BillingFlowParamsBuilder.RunMethod("setProductDetailsParamsList", Array(ProductDetails))
Return Client.As(JavaObject).GetFieldJO("client").RunMethod("launchBillingFlow", Array(ctxt, BillingFlowParamsBuilder.RunMethod("build", Null)))
End Sub
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