Hi all
Here I am again with a new question, is that I have an XML which has a number of fields, the thing is that I do the Parser and shows it well all the items, but when I enter the data only adds last item added.
This is the code I use to parse the XML
This is the button that calls the activity which shows me ListView_XML
And this is the code I added to that when you click on one of the rows I add fields to the Item to SQLite.
The problem is that if for example are 3 Items, I add the Item number 3, the other 2 will not let me add.
Sorry to be so heavy, and it's probably silly but I've been mulling over a couple of days without finding any solution.
Greetings and thank you very much in advance.
Here I am again with a new question, is that I have an XML which has a number of fields, the thing is that I do the Parser and shows it well all the items, but when I enter the data only adds last item added.
This is the code I use to parse the XML
Sub Parser_EndElement (Uri As String, Name As String, Text As StringBuilder)
' ----------------------------------------------------------- Parseamos el XML en busca de los campos para la DB.
If parser.Parents.IndexOf("Item") > -1 Then
If Name = "XML_Titulo" Then
XML_Titulo = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Imagen" Then
XML_Imagen = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Localidad" Then
XML_Localidad = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Producto" Then
XML_Producto = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Fecha" Then
XML_Fecha = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Ingredientes" Then
XML_Ingredientes = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Proceso" Then
XML_Proceso = Text.ToString
Else If Name = "XML_Favorito" Then
XML_Favorito = Text.ToString
End If
End If
If Name = "Item" Then
End If
End Sub
This is the button that calls the activity which shows me ListView_XML
Sub Button_XML_Click
' ----------------------------------------------------------- '
myZip.ABUnzip(ruta & "update.zip", ruta & folder) ' Si se descarga el archivo, lo descomprimimos.
File.Delete(ruta, "update.zip") '
' ----------------------------------------------------------- '
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Label_Text.TextColor = Colors.RGB(255,242,223)
Label_Text.Color = Colors.RGB(170,40,102)
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Label_copyright.TextColor = Colors.RGB(255,242,223)
Label_copyright.Color = Colors.RGB(170,40,102)
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Panel1.Color = Colors.RGB(255,242,223)
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Activity.AddView(ListView_XML, 10, 30, 300, 360)
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 40dip
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.Left = 0
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.Width = 100%x
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.Height = 40dip
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.Color = Colors.RGB(255,242,223)
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 12
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.RGB(170,40,102)
ListView_XML.FastScrollEnabled = True
' ----------------------------------------------------------- Configuramos la opcion para cambiar el color de las lineas del ListView.
SetDivider(ListView_XML, Colors.RGB(170,40,102), 1dip)
' -----------------------------------------------------------
ListView_XML.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 40dip
Dim In As InputStream
In = File.OpenInput(ruta, folder & "update.xml")
parser.Parse(In, "Parser")
End Sub
And this is the code I added to that when you click on one of the rows I add fields to the Item to SQLite.
Sub ListView_XML_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
' ----------------------------------------------------------- Insertar registros en DB.
SQL1.Initialize(DBFileDir & "/" & folder, DBFileName, True)
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Dim Arr(8) As String
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Arr = Array As String(XML_Titulo, XML_Imagen, XML_Localidad, XML_Producto, XML_Fecha, XML_Ingredientes, XML_Proceso, XML_Favorito)
If XML_Titulo = SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT titulo FROM Recetas WHERE Titulo = '" & XML_Titulo & "'") Then
n = "- Datos Existentes."& CRLF
Msgbox2(n, "A T E N C I Ó N", "", "Aceptar", "", bmp_icon)
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO Recetas VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", Arr)
n = "- Actualización realizada." & CRLF
Msgbox2(n, "A T E N C I Ó N", "", "Aceptar", "", bmp_icon)
End If
' ----------------------------------------------------------- Eliminamos el archivo XML, despues de haber hecho el INSERT INTO en la DB.
' File.Delete(File.DirRootExternal & "/" & folder, "update.xml")
End Sub
Sorry to be so heavy, and it's probably silly but I've been mulling over a couple of days without finding any solution.
Greetings and thank you very much in advance.