Running a home automation server i noticed that a large number of attacks has been done to get access into it.
I dont like the sniffing so based on the idea of geoip block SSH port 22 i wrote some lines to get the same for ABMaterial
you need a database with all ip ranges. maxmind has a freedownload
the ip range is represented as integer, which makes life a lot easier, all in csv format, see description on their site.
so far it works, next step is to redirect the sniffer to a page with some funny text....
The code can be called from ABMApplication
and the code you need is here. You can use it freely, modify if you like, and maybe make it better!
I dont like the sniffing so based on the idea of geoip block SSH port 22 i wrote some lines to get the same for ABMaterial
you need a database with all ip ranges. maxmind has a freedownload
the ip range is represented as integer, which makes life a lot easier, all in csv format, see description on their site.
so far it works, next step is to redirect the sniffer to a page with some funny text....
The code can be called from ABMApplication
Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
ws = WebSocket1
ABMPageId = ABM.GetPageID(AppPage, ABMShared.AppName,ws)
'----------------------START MODIFICATION 4.00-------------------------------
If AppPage.WebsocketReconnected Then
ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws, "", "./")
End If
Dim session As HttpSession = ABM.GetSession(ws, ABMShared.SessionMaxInactiveIntervalSeconds) 'ignore
If geoip(ws.UpgradeRequest.RemoteAddress)=false Then DoWhatYouLikeToDoWithTheHacker
If session.IsNew Then
ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws, "", "./")
End If
and the code you need is here. You can use it freely, modify if you like, and maybe make it better!
Sub DecodeGeoIp(line As String,ipnumber As Int) As Int
Dim sf As JStringFunctions
Dim numbers() As String=Regex.Split("[,.\s""]",line)
Dim allow() As String=Array As String("FR","DE") 'only let the countrys in, which may have access and keep others out.
If ipnumber>=sf.Val(numbers(13)) And ipnumber<=sf.Val(numbers(16)) Then
For i=0 To allow.length-1
If allow(i)=numbers(19) Then Return 1
' Log(numbers(13)&"-" &numbers(16))
Return 0
Return -1
End If
End Sub
Sub geoip(ipnumber As String) As Boolean
Dim Reader As TextReader
Dim line As String
Dim sf As JStringFunctions
Dim ip() As String=Regex.Split("[,.\s""]",ipnumber)
Dim ipnummer=((sf.Val(ip(0))*256+sf.Val(ip(1)))*256+sf.Val(ip(2)))*256+sf.Val(ip(3)) As Int
Reader.Initialize(File.OpenInput(File.DirApp & "/" & filedir, "GeoIPCountryWhois.csv"))
Select DecodeGeoIp(line,ipnummer)
Case 1
Return True
Case 0
Return False
End Select
Do While line <> Null
Select DecodeGeoIp(line,ipnummer)
Case 1
Return True
Case 0
Return False
End Select
line = Reader.ReadLine
Return True
End Sub
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