Sub tblcases_clicked( PassedRowsAndColumns As List)
Dim SelectedRowId As String
Dim cn As ABMContainer = page.Component("cnt1") ' the container that holds the table
Dim tblCellInfo As ABMTableCell = PassedRowsAndColumns.Get(0) ' the passed data from the table
Dim tblCases As ABMTable = cn.Component("tblcases")' tblCellInfo.TableName) 'the table from container
SelectedRowId = tblCases.GetString(tblCellInfo.Row, 0) ' get the ID (pk) of the record selected
If tblCellInfo.Column = 4 Then ' if the column clicked was your button (or other control, button, checkbox, or just the row)
Toast(" Edit Zone: "&SelectedRowId,3000)
ABMGentiZonesEdit(SelectedRowId) ' call a method to open the associated modal sheet, passing the ID of the record since you may have more fields to fetch
End If
End Sub