B4J Question [ABMaterial] ABMDateTimePicker error


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I am studying ABMaterial and trying ABMDateTimePicker I have an error during application load (no bootstrap-material-datetimepicker.min.css file - look at attached pics). I have followed the infos of the demo website
Clicking on DatePicker control doesn't show the modal date form.

B4j rel: 8.90
Java rel: 11.0.1
ABMaterial library: 4.51
Any suggestions?


  • DatePicker err1.png
    54.4 KB · Views: 244
  • DatePicker err2.png
    1.3 KB · Views: 241


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I have launched it in debug mode. Now I have tried in release mode: same problem.
What file/location do you mean?
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Now I have copied the DateTimePicker instructions i have used in the demo "Master Template Project" app...and it works!
now the question: where have I to look to understand why in my custom test app that css file is not present?
another question: in debug mode a DirAssets file is read from /files. Which is the path of DirAssets in release mode? (I have noticed that is not from /files...)
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/Files (DirAssets) has nothing to do with an ABM project. When you start a new project, you always have to first copy the complete /library/www folder from the zip file to your /Objects folder. These CSS/JavaScript/Font files from the framework are not generated.

So structure after compiling should be:

(only created if you use B4JS code)
(and all its subfolders)
/Objects/www/css (and all its subfolders)
/Objects/www/font (and all its subfolders)
/Objects/www/project (and all its subfolders)

So, when you deploy, you have to copy the .jar, the .needs files AND the /www folder (bold above) to your server and start the .jar

The reason you have to always compile in debug mode once is that it creates the .needs files from analyzing your source (so if you add a new component type, you will need to do this again as the .needs files need updating). When you run in release mode, the source code is not analyzed (on your server the source is not even available) and the info from the .needs files is used instead.

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