Hello, I use the example in the demo page, editor.GetHtml, but it returns empty, I try to get the whole string to store in a database, is it possible?
Sub btn1_clicked(target As String)
' Dim serverurl As String
Dim fec As String
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
fec = DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)
Dim job As HttpJob
Dim serverurl As String
serverurl = "guardar_plantilla_presupuesto.aspx?"
'serverurl = "guardar_plantilla_presupuesto.aspx?doc=" & "hola que tal"
job.Download2(serverurl, Array As String("doc",editor.GetHTML,"fecalta",fec,"usualta","ccandia","titulo","Presupuesto Prueba","tags","prueba"))
End Sub