B4J Question [ABMaterial] ABMLabel content with different colors and formatting - please help!!!


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I'm displaying text in an ABMLabel control, so far so good. Some text though is enclosed in some html color schemes.. For example

{\cf6 My name is Ano} should be My name is Ano
{\cf15\I This is another example} should be This is another example
<b>A bold example</b> should be A bold example

Can you kindly advise how can I achieve such output with ABMLabel. All this content could be in the same ABMLabel content. I have tried replacing <b></b> with {B}{/B} this has not really helped.

Can someone please advise?

Thanks a lot!

PS: The example below shows what I have maneged to do so far. Now the issue is color coding it. The bold sections should be red however to demonstrate this I have made them bold with this...

Public Sub ItalicScripture1(tVerse As String) As String
    tVerse = tVerse.Replace("<i>","{I}")
    tVerse = tVerse.replace("</i>","{/I}")
    tVerse = tVerse.Replace("<b>","{B}")
    tVerse = tVerse.replace("</b>","{/B}")
    tVerse = tVerse.replace("<font color='gray'>","{B}")
    tVerse = tVerse.replace("<font color='red'>","{B}")
    tVerse = tVerse.replace("</font>","{/B}")
    Return tVerse
End Sub

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