Dim sb As ABMSideBar
sb.Initialize(page, "sb", 80, 30, 30, Null, others.ABM.COLLAPSE_ACCORDION, "")
page.NavigationBar.AddTopItemWithSideBar("LangSidebar", "", "mdi-action-language", "", others.ABM.VISIBILITY_ALL, sb) '?
' add your navigationbar items
For i = 0 To others.langs.Length - 1
Dim t As String = others.langs(i).ToUpperCase
sb.AddSideBarItem(t, t, "")
'where others.langs
Dim langs() As String = Array As String("RU", "EN", "ES")
Just created, but no idea yet how to use, how to switch the web-site language via SideBar.
Some way of getting taps are needed (with auto-close the bar).