This is something I can live with but got me intrigued...
I have set a BaNano Hover event to a few cells, and all fire the same event... no issues on that...
Each cell holds a Label with different contents (of course)... I thought that by targeting the CELL, the Hover event would be fired as soon as I entered or exited the CELL, but instead, its firing when I enter or exits the CELL AND refiring when I enter the Cell's Content!( see the logs)
Its almost like the hover event detected a "no man's land" inside the cell... can it be due to Padding or Margins inside the Cell?
Anyway to solve? ... as I said, I can live with it... it's just not as clean as I would wish...
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true 'Entered the CELL'
Waiting for value (101 ms)
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : false 'Exited The CELL(?)'
Waiting for value (101 ms)
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true 'Entered the Cell's Content!!!
Waiting for value (102 ms)
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true
more of the same
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : true
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : false 'Exited the Cell's Content!!!'
Waiting for value (101 ms)
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c1Hovering : false 'Exited The CELL!!'
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c2Hovering : true
Waiting for value (108 ms)
realnavigationbarbuttonscontainer-r1c2Hovering : false
Waiting for value (101 ms)
Made a small video (actually its a GIF) ...
Notice how when first entering the CELL the ZDepth changes... and as I move the cursor to the cell contents, it goes "off" and "on" as soon as it over the letters...
I can't seem to create a small enough video so here's a link to it.
Notice the "blink" after entering the CELL and just before hovering the letters
You mean the other way around, right?!
My library is just a copy of your test library, which uses exactly the mouseenter and mouseleave event listeners...