I know I should have posted this in the feedback app, but I am unsure it is not already possible to acomplish this (re)using one of the existing components.
My goal is to create a Grid like Button/Card array like this one
I only need to create the single Card/Button. I need it to have a click event so that I can navigate to a different page...
So, before I place a New Component Request… Can this be already be done?
You can create a AbmaterialContainer with an image and a label
In buildpage()
In connect()
..abmaterial.container.cell(1,1).addcmp(amblabel) ' backcolor the same as the image
Using ABMContainers is indeed the way to go to design such a component.
Maybe you can use a grid (2 rows, each 4 cells), adding such an ABMContainer in each cell. If you design your grid right, the responsiveness of the grid will jump in and e.g. on your phone place them under each other.