Ah - my bad
(havent used ABMaterial for a while) --- thanks for swift response.
Bit of Background: on request working on an IoT Show case using a LEGO creation which goal is to include several sensors (will go for my favorite
TinkerForge Bricks) , UI Dashboard (Browser based) etc running on a Raspberry Pi. Have started exploring
Node-RED (as build into the Raspberry Pi Raspian Jessie since Nov 2015; lot to learn must say) for communication, messaging and UI. Its in an early stage (release 0.14), it opens to build solutions (fast) via visual flows with JavaScript based upon NodeJS. Messaging will be done via MQTT.
A Node-RED UI Dashboard recently become available but again in early version. Instead of this Dashboard, want to
explore ABMaterial as the UI instead - Buttons, Gauges, Charts, Selectboxes and the likes.