B4J Question [ABMaterial] Grid Builder suggestion


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Can you add two lines closing the area of the grid pattern code?
I would very much like it and probably others. The Grid Builder additionally generated the #region window_name tags.
Then I can collapse the region marker and save the work area on the screen.
    #region page build
    '║ 1,1                                                                               ║
    '║ 2,1                                                                               ║
    '║ 3,1                                                                               ║
    '║ 3,2                                                                               ║
    '║ 4,1                                                                               ║
    '║ 4,2                                                                               ║
    '║ 5,1                                                                               ║
    '║ 5,2                                                                               ║
    '║ 6,1                                                                               ║
    '║ 6,2                                                                               ║

    '║ 1,1                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 2,1                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 3,1                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 3,2                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 4,1                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 4,2                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 5,1                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 5,2                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 6,1                                                                                                       ║
    '║ 6,2                                                                                                       ║

    '║ 1,1                                                                                                                               ║
    '║                                        | 2,1                                       |                                           ║
    '║                    | 3,1                 | 3,2                                                             |                     ║
    '║                    | 4,1                 | 4,2                                                             |                     ║
    '║                    | 5,1                 | 5,2                                                             |                     ║
    '║                    | 6,1                 | 6,2                                                             |                     ║
#end region
    page.AddRowsM(1, True,0,0,"").AddCells12(1,"")
    page.AddRowsM(1, True,0,0,"").AddCellsOSMP(1,0,0,4,12,12,4,0,40,0,0,"")
    page.AddRowsM(4, True,0,0,"").AddCellsOS(1,0,0,2,12,12,2,"").AddCellsOS(1,0,0,0,12,12,6,"")
    page.BuildGrid ' IMPORTANT!


  • grid1.png
    91.5 KB · Views: 256
  • grid2.png
    109 KB · Views: 241
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