B4J Question [abmaterial] how to get the button's tag in the abmaterial webapp page?


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I create some buttons(same id) in the abmaterial page.
"sender" seems useless!
anybody know it ,thanks!


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Longtime User
Please explain your question a bit more (code, what you want to do, ...). Sender has no functionality to get a component in ABMaterial.

Note that the underlying generated code is HTML and ID's must be unique. You'll have to use the AddArrayComponent() to have mutitple buttons use the same event. It 'emulates' using the same id in B4J, but the generated code will create unique ids.

see https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/abmaterial-multi-column-page.63549/#post-408720 on how to use AddArrayComponent(). There are some important concepts explained in this post.
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