@codie01 Waw, looks great! Just a hint:
Make use of the responsive power ABMaterial has: e.g. for the tool cards, make the cells something like AddCellOS(6, 0,0,0,12,4,2). This will result in somthing like the attachment on a phone (all 'cards' are under each other). Also, center the image using a cell theme with center alignment.
@codie01 about this in the manual:
This is not entirely true. Those components can be changed or refreshed, just NOT IN BuildPage(). You can change them e.g. in the WebSocket_Connected() or any other method like a button_Clicked. Just grab the component you created in BuildPage() and change it:
in BuildPage():
B4X:' create the input fields Dim inp2 As ABMInput inp2.Initialize(page, "inp2", ABM.INPUT_TEXT, "Volledig adres", False, "orange") inp2.IconName = "mdi-maps-local-attraction" inp2.Visibility = ABM.VISIBILITY_HIDE_ALL page.CellR(0,1).AddComponent(inp2)
and in myButton_Clicked(Target as String):
B4X:Dim inp2 As ABMInput = page.Component("inp2") inp2.IconName="mdi-another-icon" inp2.refresh
'cSliders is a global public var
'lDirs is a List whith images from a directory
Dim sImg, sid As String
cSliders.Initialize(page, "Slide1", "")
For i = 0 To iCountRow - 1
sImg = lDirs.Get(i)
cSliders.AddSlideImage("../EasyImageslider/images/" & sImg, "", "Exempel", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_LEFT)
cSliders.Visibility = ABM.VISIBILITY_HIDE_ALL
page.Cell(2,1).AddComponent( cSliders)
Dim Sliders As ABMImageSlider = page.Component("Slide1") ' show this error No component found with id Slide1
For i = 0 To iCountRow - 1
sImg = lDirs.Get(i)
Sliders.AddSlideImage("../EasyImageslider/images/" & sImg, "", "slogan", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_LEFT)
Sliders.Visibility = ABM.VISIBILITY_ALL
' create slider
Dim slider As ABMImageSlider
slider.Initialize(page, "slider", "")
' add images
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider1.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_LEFT)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider2.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider3.jpg","This Is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_RIGHT)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider4.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER)
' connect our page with the websocket
' Prepare the page IMPORTANT!
Dim slider As ABMImageSlider = page.Component("slider")
Try removing cSliders from the global public vars (there is no need at all to do this). Just tried this in the demo and it works:
In BuildPage()
B4X:... ' create slider Dim slider As ABMImageSlider slider.Initialize(page, "slider", "") ' add images slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider1.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_LEFT) slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider2.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER) slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider3.jpg","This Is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_RIGHT) slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider4.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER) page.Cell(2,1).AddComponent(slider) ...
In WebSocket_Connected() <---- where you should put your loadImages() method
B4X:... ' connect our page with the websocket page.SetWebSocket(ws) ' Prepare the page IMPORTANT! page.Prepare Dim slider As ABMImageSlider = page.Component("slider") Log(slider.ID)
ImageSlider is not an object created to hold thousands of images. This is an object to hold a limited fixed number of slides. (e.g. there is no RemoveSlideImage method). Put in a feature request on the feedback app for such a new control.
Sub btn1_Clicked(Target As String)
Dim slider As ABMImageSlider = page.Component("slider")
' clear the slider
' add the new images
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider5.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_LEFT)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider6.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider7.jpg","This Is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_RIGHT)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider8.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider9.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_LEFT)
slider.AddSlideImage("../images/slider10.jpg","This is our big Title!", "Here's a small slogan.", ABM.IMAGESLIDER_CENTER)
End Sub
Sub ReLoadTreeView
'Read from Database
InitData ' Results is global
'Open block.html (as tmp - file)
otw.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(Main.PG_sAppPath & "\EasyTreeview", "block.html", False)) ' otw is global
'Add rows to block.html In my case i have Made a custom algoritm to sort and build html data. Not all variants , four as I needed
For i = 1 To igCount'
ReAddRow( iLevel(sTVadmIDX(i)), iId(sTVadmIDX(i)), iParantID(sTVadmIDX(i)), False, sLabel(sTVadmIDX(i)))' variabels is global
'Replace Block into a new tmp.html - file Repace directly to current EasyTreeview.html does not work!
WebUtils.ReplaceBlock("EasyTreeview.html", "block.html", "EasyTreeviewNew.html", "<tbody>", "</tbody>")
'Copy the tmp - file to current EasyTreeview.html - file
File.Copy(Main.PG_sAppPath & "\EasyTreeview", "EasyTreeviewNew.html", Main.PG_sAppPath & "\EasyTreeview", "EasyTreeview.html")
'Run the updated .html - file
End Sub
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Private ws As WebSocket 'ignore
' will hold our page information
Public page As ABMPage
' page theme
Private theme As ABMTheme
' to access the constants
Private ABM As ABMaterial 'ignore
' name of the page, must be the same as the class name (case sensitive!)
Public Name As String = "CompTreeTablePage" '<-------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT
' name of the app, same as in ABMApplication
Public AppName As String = "demo" '<-------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT
' your own variables
Dim myToastId As Int
'Dim PDFName As String
Dim PlusParents As Map
Type PlusStructure (Prefix As String, NextValue As Int)
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
' build the local structure IMPORTANT!
End Sub
Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
ws = WebSocket1
If ABMShared.NeedsAuthorization Then
If ws.Session.GetAttribute2("IsAuthorized", "") = "" Then
ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws, "../")
End If
End If
' connect our page with the websocket
' Prepare the page IMPORTANT!
End Sub
' imagine this comes from a database, for the demo's purpose it is hard coded
' you can call this method with a different query every time (e.g. depending on the user)
Sub LoadTree()
DateTime.DateFormat = "EEEE d MMMM yyyy"
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable = page.Component("view1")
view1.AddRow(BuildLev1Header(1, "1", "", False, "Ypres"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Header1(2, "1_1", "1", False, "Menin Gate", DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_1_1", "1_1", False , "Hours", Array As String("HOURS")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_1_1_1", "1_1_1", False, "ABA", "Alain Bailleul", "05:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_1_1_2", "1_1_1", False, "JSM", "Jones Smith", "03:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_1_1_3", "1_1_1", False, "SBF", "Sindy Belfast", "03:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer1(3, "1_1_2", "1_1", True, "3 pers.", "11 hours"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_1_3", "1_1", False, "Done",Array As String("DONE")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_1_3_1", "1_1_3", False, "First floor - swept"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_1_3_2", "1_1_3", False, "Second floor - vacuum-cleaned"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_1_4", "1_1", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_1_5", "1_1", False, "Used devices",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body3(4, "1_1_5_1", "1_1_5", False, "Vacuum Cleaner", "2", "half a day"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_1_6", "1_1", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_1_7", "1_1", False, "Result",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body3(4, "1_1_7_1", "1_1_7", False, "2 dust bins full", "2", "ton"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_1_8", "1_1", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_1_9", "1_1", False, "Extra info",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_1_9_1", "1_1_9", False, "Everything cleaned, vacuum cleaner needs to be repaired"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_1_10", "1_1", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_1_11", "1_1", False, "Overview",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body4(4, "1_1_11_1", "1_1_11", False, Array As Int(30,50,70,80,100,140,170), Array As Int(100,120,180,150,190,100,70)))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_1_12", "1_1", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Footer(2, "1_2", "1", True))
PlusParents.Put("1_2", NewPlusStructure("1_1_1", 4))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Header1(2, "1_3", "1", False, "Big Square", DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_3_1", "1_3", False , "Hours",Array As String("HOURS")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_3_1_1", "1_3_1", False, "SBF", "Sindy Belfast", "04:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer1(3, "1_3_2", "1_3", True, "1 pers.", "4 hours"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_3_3", "1_3", False, "Done",Array As String("DONE")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_3_3_1", "1_3_3", False, "First floor - swept"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_3_3_2", "1_3_3", False, "Second floor - vacuum-cleaned"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_3_4", "1_3", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_3_5", "1_3", False, "On map",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body5(4, "1_3_5_1", "1_3_5", False, 50.8500, 2.8833))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_3_6", "1_3", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Footer(2, "1_4", "1", True))
PlusParents.Put("1_4", NewPlusStructure("1_3_1", 2))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Header1(2, "1_5", "1", False, "Swimming pool", DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_5_1", "1_5", False , "Hours",Array As String("HOURS")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_5_1_1", "1_5_1", False, "SBF", "Sindy Belfast", "04:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer1(3, "1_5_2", "1_5", True, "1 pers.", "4 hours"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_5_3", "1_5", False, "Done",Array As String("DONE")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_5_3_1", "1_5_3", False, "First floor - swept"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_5_4", "1_5", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_5_5", "1_5", False, "Used devices",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body3(4, "1_5_5_1", "1_5_5", False, "Vacuum Cleaner", "2", "half a day"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_5_6", "1_5", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Footer(2, "1_6", "1", True))
PlusParents.Put("1_6", NewPlusStructure("1_5_1", 1))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Header1(2, "1_7", "1", False, "Parking lot", DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_7_1", "1_7", False , "Hours",Array As String("HOURS")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_7_1_1", "1_7_1", False, "ABA", "Alain Bailleul", "05:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_7_1_2", "1_7_1", False, "JSM", "Jones Smith", "03:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "1_7_1_3", "1_7_1", False, "SBF", "Sindy Belfast", "03:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer1(3, "1_7_2", "1_7", True, "3 pers.", "11 hours"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_7_3", "1_7", False, "Done",Array As String("DONE")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "1_7_3_1", "1_7_3", False, "First floor - swept"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_7_4", "1_7", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "1_7_5", "1_7", False, "Result",Array As String()))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body3(4, "1_7_5_1", "1_7_5", False, "2 dust bins full", "2", "ton"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "1_7_6", "1_7", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Footer(2, "1_8", "1", True))
PlusParents.Put("1_8", NewPlusStructure("1_7_1", 4))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev1Footer(1, "2", "", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev1Header(1, "3", "", False, "Brussels"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Header1(2, "3_1", "3", False, "Palace", DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "3_1_1", "3_1", False , "Hours",Array As String("HOURS")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "3_1_1_1", "3_1_1", False, "ABA", "Alain Bailleul", "05:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, "3_1_1_2", "3_1_1", False, "SBF", "Sindy Belfast", "03:00"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer1(3, "3_1_2", "3_1", True, "2 pers.", "8 hours"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Header(3, "3_1_3", "3_1", False, "Done",Array As String("DONE")))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "3_1_3_1", "3_1_3", False, "First floor - swept"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body2(4, "3_1_3_2", "3_1_3", False, "Second floor - vacuum-cleaned"))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev3Footer2(3, "3_1_4", "3_1", True))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev2Footer(2, "3_2", "3", True))
PlusParents.Put("3_2", NewPlusStructure("3_1_1", 3))
view1.AddRow(BuildLev1Footer(1, "4", "", True))
End Sub
Sub NewPlusStructure(Prefix As String, NextValue As Int) As PlusStructure
Dim ps As PlusStructure
ps.Prefix = Prefix
ps.NextValue = NextValue
Return ps
End Sub
Private Sub WebSocket_Disconnected
End Sub
Sub Page_ParseEvent(Params As Map)
Dim eventName As String = Params.Get("eventname")
Dim eventParams() As String = Regex.Split(",",Params.Get("eventparams"))
If SubExists(Me, eventName) Then
Select Case Params.Size
Case 0
CallSub(Me, eventName)
Case 1
CallSub2(Me, eventName, Params.Get(eventParams(0)))
Case 2
If Params.get(eventParams(0)) = "abmistable" Then
Dim PassedTables As List = ABM.ProcessTablesFromTargetName(Params.get(eventParams(1)))
CallSub2(Me, eventName, PassedTables)
CallSub3(Me, eventName, Params.Get(eventParams(0)), Params.Get(eventParams(1)))
End If
Case Else
' cannot be called diretly, to many param
CallSub2(Me, eventName, Params)
End Select
End If
End Sub
public Sub BuildTheme()
' start with the base theme defined in ABMShared
' add additional themes specific for this page
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev1default").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_LIGHTBLUE
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev1default").BackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_DARKEN3
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev1default").ForeColor = ABM.COLOR_WHITE
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev1default").IsEditable = True
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev2default").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_LIGHTBLUE
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev2default").BackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN2
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev3default").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_LIGHTBLUE
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev3default").BackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN4
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev4default").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_WHITE
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev4right").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_WHITE
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev4right").Align = ABM.TABLECELL_HORIZONTALALIGN_RIGHT
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev4orange").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_AMBER
theme.TreeTable("view1").Cell("lev4orange").BackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN3
theme.TreeTable("view1").TreeIconColor("white").ForeColor = ABM.COLOR_WHITE
' bluegray button
theme.Button("bluegrey").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_BLUEGREY
theme.Button("bluegrey").BackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_DARKEN1
End Sub
public Sub BuildPage()
' initialize the theme
' initialize this page using our theme
page.InitializeWithTheme(Name, "/ws/" & AppName & "/" & Name, False, theme)
page.PageTitle = "ABMTreeTable"
page.PageDescription = "The tree table component "
page.PageHTMLName = "abmaterial-tree-table.html"
page.PageKeywords = "ABMaterial, material design, B4X, B4J, SEO, framework, search engine optimization"
page.PageSiteMapPriority = "0.50"
page.PageSiteMapFrequency = ABM.SITEMAP_FREQ_MONTHLY
page.NeedsChart=True ' needed because we're going to add charts in our tree later
page.NeedsGoogleMap=True ' needed because we're going to add google maps in our tree later
' adding a navigation bar
ABMShared.BuildNavigationBar(page, "ABMTreeTable", "../images/logo.png", "", "Controls", "ABMTreeTable")
' create the page grid
page.AddRows(6,True, "").AddCells12(1,"")
page.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
' add paragraph
page.CellR(1,1).AddComponent(ABMShared.BuildParagraph(page,"par1","With the ABMTreeTable component you can build collapsable tree structures. You can even use them to create simple reports (see the ABMPrint module).") )
' build an empty example tree
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable
view1.Initialize(page, "view1", False, "view1", 20, Array As String("lev1default", "lev2default", "lev3default", "lev4default"), 24)
view1.CollapseTooltip = "Close"
view1.ExpandTooltip = "Open"
End Sub
Sub BuildLev1Header(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, Stad As String) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "white")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", Stad, 1,24, False, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev1Footer(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "white")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.InitalizeAsIcon("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", "{NBSP}", 3,3, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev2Header1(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, Straat As String, Datum As String) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", Straat, 2,12, False, "")
Dim cell2 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell2.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c2", Datum, 14,10, False, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev2Footer(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.InitalizeAsIcon("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", "mdi-content-add", 4,3, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev3Header(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, soort As String, DragDropNames As List) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", soort, 3,21, False, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev3Footer1(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, pers As String, time As String) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", pers, 4,3, False, "")
Dim cell2 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell2.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c2", time, 16,4, False, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev3Footer2(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", "{NBSP}", 4,3, False, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev4Body1(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, Code As String, Naam As String, Hours As String) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "HOURS", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", Code, 4,3, False, "")
Dim cell2 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell2.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c2", Naam, 8,6, False, "")
Dim cell3 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell3.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c3", Hours, 15,2, False, "")
Dim cell4 As ABMTreeTableCell
Dim btnEdit As ABMButton
btnEdit.InitializeFloating(page, treeRowId, "mdi-action-visibility", "")
cell4.InitalizeAsComponent("v1_" & treeRowId & "cEdit", btnEdit, "btnEdit", 18,1, "")
Dim cell5 As ABMTreeTableCell
Dim btnDelete As ABMButton
btnDelete.InitializeFloating(page, treeRowId, "mdi-action-delete", "")
cell5.InitalizeAsComponent("v1_" & treeRowId & "cDelete", btnDelete, "btnDelete", 19,1, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev4Body2(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, Artikel As String) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "DONE", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", Artikel, 4,19, False, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev4Body3(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, Artikel As String, aantal As String, eenheid As String) As ABMtreeTableRow
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", Artikel, 4,9, False, "")
Dim cell2 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell2.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c2", aantal, 15,2, False, "lev4right")
Dim cell3 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell3.Initalize("v1_" & treeRowId & "c3", eenheid, 17,3, False, "lev4orange")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev4Body4(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, values1 As List, values2 As List) As ABMtreeTableRow
' create a line chart
Dim chart1 As ABMChart
chart1.Initialize(page, treeRowId, ABM.CHART_TYPELINE, ABM.CHART_RATIO_GOLDENSECTION, "chart1theme")
' add the labels
chart1.Labels.AddAll(Array As String("Mon", "The", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"))
' set some options
chart1.OptionsLine.ChartPaddingRight=60 ' because we set fullwidth, we have to adjust so the final label also fits
chart1.OptionsLine.Serie(ABM.CHART_SERIEINDEX_C).ShowArea = True
' add some series
Dim SerieA As ABMChartSerie
Dim SerieC As ABMChartSerie
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.InitalizeAsComponent("v1_" & treeRowId & "c1", chart1, "chart1", 4,19, "")
Return l
End Sub
Sub BuildLev4Body5(depth As Int, treeRowId As String, treeRowParentId As String, isFooter As Boolean, lat As Double, lng As Double) As ABMtreeTableRow
' create the google map
Dim gm1 As ABMGoogleMap
gm1.Initialize(page, treeRowId, lat, lng, 15, 350, ABM.GOOGLEMAPTYPE_ROADMAP)
gm1.Draggable = False
gm1.HasMapTypeControl = True
gm1.HasStreetViewControl = True
gm1.HasZoomControl = True
Dim l As ABMtreeTableRow
l.Initialize(depth, treeRowId, treeRowParentId, isFooter, "", "")
Dim cell1 As ABMTreeTableCell
cell1.InitalizeAsComponent("v1_" & treeRowId & "g1", gm1, "gm1", 4,19, "")
Return l
End Sub
' clicked on the navigation bar
Sub Page_NavigationbarClicked(Action As String, Value As String)
If Action = "ABMTreeTable" Then Return
If Action = "Contact" Then
myToastId = myToastId + 1
page.ShowToast("toast" & myToastId, "toastred", "Hello to you too!", 5000)
End If
If Action = "LogOff" Then
End If
ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws, Value)
End Sub
Sub Page_FileUploaded(FileName As String, success As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Page_ToastClicked(ToastId As String, Action As String)
End Sub
Sub Page_ToastDismissed(ToastId As String)
End Sub
Sub Page_Ready()
End Sub
' event raised when node is expanded by the user so maybe som children (like a ABMGoogleMap) needs to be refreshed
Sub View1_NeedsRefreshChildren(rowId As String)
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable = page.Component("view1")
End Sub
' the user clicked on a row
Sub view1_Clicked(TreeRowId As String, TreeCellId As String)
' did he click on a plus, let him add the values of the new row
If PlusParents.ContainsKey(TreeRowId) Then
Dim ps As PlusStructure = PlusParents.Get(TreeRowId)
' here you can show a modal sheet where the user adds new data in the browser
' after saving the modal sheet, add the new data in the database and add a new leaf
Log("The user added a new row: " & ps.Prefix & "_" & ps.NextValue)
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable = page.Component("view1")
DateTime.timeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
view1.AddRow(BuildLev4Body1(4, ps.Prefix & "_" & ps.NextValue, ps.Prefix, False, "NEW", DateTime.time(DateTime.Now), "01:00"))
ps.NextValue = ps.NextValue + 1
PlusParents.Put(TreeRowId, ps)
End If
End Sub
Sub view1_Dropped(TreeRowId As String, OnTreeRowID As String)
Log("Dropped TreeRowId: " & TreeRowId & " on " & OnTreeRowID)
' make sure our in memory tree is in sync with the browser
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable = page.Component("view1")
view1.UpdateRowParent(TreeRowId, OnTreeRowID)
End Sub
' here a sheet can be shown to let the user modify the row
Sub btnEdit_Clicked(Target As String)
' get the current row form the Target btnEdit1_1_1_1 -> 1_1_1_1
Dim currRow As String = ABMShared.Mid2(Target, 8)
Log("btnEdit: " & currRow)
' do your stuff in the database
' change it in the tree
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable = page.Component("view1")
DateTime.timeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
view1.SetString(currRow, 2, DateTime.time(DateTime.Now))
' refresh, only what is changed will be refreshed
End Sub
Sub btnDelete_Clicked(Target As String)
' get the current row form the Target btnDelete1_1_1_1 -> 1_1_1_1
Dim currRow As String = ABMShared.Mid2(Target, 10)
Log("btnDelete: " & currRow)
' do your stuff in the database
' delete it in the tree
Dim view1 As ABMTreeTable = page.Component("view1")
' refresh, only what is changed will be refreshed
End Sub
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