Hi @all,
I downloaded the version 4.03 and will run for e.g. the Demo application. It will be crashed always in the ABMApplication:225:
2018-01-19 20:52:14.160:INFO
ejs.ServerConnector:main: Stopped ServerConnector@517cd4b{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2018-01-19 20:52:14.162:INFO
ejsh.ContextHandler:main: Stopped o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@954b04f{/,file:///C:/ABM_4.03/4.03/Demo/Objects/www/,UNAVAILABLE}
Error occurred on line: 225 (ABMApplication)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getSessionCookieConfig not found in: org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler
When I deactivate the row 223 to 232 (the code above) everything is running fine, but I think there is a reason for this code. What could be the mistake?
Thanks in advance
I downloaded the version 4.03 and will run for e.g. the Demo application. It will be crashed always in the ABMApplication:225:
2018-01-19 20:52:14.160:INFO
2018-01-19 20:52:14.162:INFO
Error occurred on line: 225 (ABMApplication)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: getSessionCookieConfig not found in: org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler
Dim joServer As JavaObject = srvr
joServer.GetFieldJO("server").RunMethod("stop", Null)
joServer.GetFieldJO("context").RunMethodJO("getSessionHandler", Null).RunMethodJO("getSessionCookieConfig", Null).RunMethod("setMaxAge", Array(31536000)) ' 1 year
' NEW FEATURE! Each App has its own Session Cookie
joServer.GetFieldJO("context").RunMethodJO("getSessionHandler", Null).RunMethodJO("getSessionCookieConfig", Null).RunMethod("setName", Array(ABMShared.AppName.ToUpperCase))
joServer.GetFieldJO("server").RunMethod("start", Null)
Dim secs As Long = ABMShared.CacheScavengePeriodSeconds ' must be defined as a long, else you get a 'java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: setIntervalSec not matched.' error
joServer.GetFieldJO("context").RunMethodJO("getSessionHandler", Null).RunMethodJO("getSessionIdManager", Null).RunMethodJO("getSessionHouseKeeper", Null).RunMethod("setIntervalSec", Array As Object(secs))
When I deactivate the row 223 to 232 (the code above) everything is running fine, but I think there is a reason for this code. What could be the mistake?
Thanks in advance