Sub BtnPulsado_Clicked(ItemId As String)
Dim ContAux As ABMContainer
Dim Cont1 As ABMContainer
If MyToastId = 0 Then
Cont1 = page.Component("Cont1")
ContAux.Initialize(page, "ContAux" & Pasada, "")
ContAux.AddRowsM(1, True, 0, 0, "").AddCellsOS(NColumnas, 0, 0, 0, 12/NColumnas, 12/NColumnas, 12/NColumnas, "")
Cont1 = page.Component("Cont1")
ContAux = Cont1.Component("ContAux" & Pasada)
End If
MyToastId = MyToastId + 1
NRegistros = NRegistros + 1
ws.Session.SetAttribute("UnidadesEnCarrito", NRegistros)
' add a new container ContWithCard (with card, button and texts) to the container contAux
' note we use AddComponent, so we can give it a full name: "ContWithCard" & NRegistros
ContAux.Cell(1, MyToastId).AddComponent(BuildContainerWithCard("ContWithCard" & NRegistros))
' this refresh should be sufficient
If MyToastId = NColumnas Then
MyToastId = 0
Pasada = Pasada + 1
If Pasada = 5 Then Pasada = 6
If Pasada = 7 Then Pasada = 12
NColumnas = Pasada
End If
End Sub
Sub BuildContainerWithCard(id As String) As ABMContainer
Dim ContainerAux As ABMContainer
ContainerAux.Initialize(page, id, "")
ContainerAux.AddRows(1, True, "").AddCellsOS(1,0,0,0,11,11,11,"").AddCellsOS(1,0,0,0,1,1,1,"")
ContainerAux.AddRows(3, True, "").AddCellsOS(3,0,0,0,4,4,4,"")
' We want to get the events of the card in one method as an array: Card_LinkClicked() so we use AddArrayComponent
' Note if we use AddArrayComponent, we do not use a prefix for the 'id', just NRegistros
' In the Card_LinkClicked(card,action) event we will receive Card + NRegistros in the card Param so we know on what has been clicked.
ContainerAux.Cell(1,1).AddArrayComponent(BuildCard(NRegistros, "../images/list1.jpg", "Card" & NRegistros), "Card")
Dim BtnTarjeta As ABMButton
BtnTarjeta.InitializeFloating(page, NRegistros, "mdi-image-exposure-plus-1", "darkred")
' We want to get the events of the button in one method as an array: "BtnTarjeta_Clicked() so we use AddArrayComponent
' Note if we use AddArrayComponent, we do not use a prefix for the 'id', just NRegistros
' In the BtnTarjeta_Clicked(Target) event we will receive BtnTarjeta + NRegistros in the Target Param so we know on what has been clicked.
ContainerAux.Cell(1, 2).AddArrayComponent(BtnTarjeta, "BtnTarjeta")
' just in case we want to change the texts later, I've added them also with AddArrayComponent so they are unique for sure.
ContainerAux.Cell(2, 1).AddArrayComponent(ABMShared.BuildParagraph(page, NRegistros, "{B}" & id & "{/B}"), "par1_")
ContainerAux.Cell(2, 2).AddArrayComponent(ABMShared.BuildParagraph(page, NRegistros, "{B}Stock:{/B}" & id & " {B}Art.{/B}"&id), "par2_")
ContainerAux.Cell(2, 3).AddArrayComponent(ABMShared.BuildParagraph(page, NRegistros, "{B}St.{/B}" & id), "par3_")
Return ContainerAux
End Sub
Sub BuildCard(id As String, image As String, title As String) As ABMCard
' image card
Dim card4 As ABMCard
card4.InitializeAsCard(page, id, title, "", ABM.CARD_NOTSPECIFIED,"whitetitle")
card4.Image = image
Return card4
End Sub
' card was added as an array component, so we need just prefix_LinkClicked
Sub card_LinkClicked(Card As String, Action As String)
Log(Card & " " & Action) ' we get something like card1, card2, card3... in the card param
End Sub
' btntarjeta was added as an array component, so we need just prefix_Clicked
Sub btntarjeta_clicked(Target As String)
Log(Target) ' we get something like btntarjeta1, btntarjeta2, btntarjeta3... in the target param
End Sub