I am pleased to unveil the hottest new site on the Internet: https://www.pearlnecklacemedia.com/
You are looking at /var/www/pearl/index.html. This directory has the Pearl.jar, copymewithneeds, and the entire www structure.
I previously had an ABMaterial site going, but decided a good strategy going forward would be to start over on my first highly-polluted Linux box by formatting the disk without documenting the entire Apache nightmare.
The thread below would probably be helpful, if only I had a file named httpd.conf anywhere near the /etc/apache2 directory. Erel(s) and others keep pointing to this link. I have been unable to make this work modifying files in sites-available (which look similar). I did not go through anything near this complex when it worked before.
I believe I have already created a big mess in
I want the browser to go here --> https://www.pearlnecklacemedia.com:51069/Door if the user types pearlnecklacemedia.com, www.pearlnecklacemedia.com, or anything else at all for that matter.
I will be most pleased just to see the Everything Is Alright page again.
I must have found the answer in here the first time around, but I believe I have spent about ten hours looking at every result in the forum on "ABMaterial" and cannot find it again.
This is not an adult site! I live in "The Pearl District". Very swanky.
You are looking at /var/www/pearl/index.html. This directory has the Pearl.jar, copymewithneeds, and the entire www structure.
I previously had an ABMaterial site going, but decided a good strategy going forward would be to start over on my first highly-polluted Linux box by formatting the disk without documenting the entire Apache nightmare.
The thread below would probably be helpful, if only I had a file named httpd.conf anywhere near the /etc/apache2 directory. Erel(s) and others keep pointing to this link. I have been unable to make this work modifying files in sites-available (which look similar). I did not go through anything near this complex when it worked before.
I believe I have already created a big mess in
I want the browser to go here --> https://www.pearlnecklacemedia.com:51069/Door if the user types pearlnecklacemedia.com, www.pearlnecklacemedia.com, or anything else at all for that matter.
I will be most pleased just to see the Everything Is Alright page again.
I must have found the answer in here the first time around, but I believe I have spent about ten hours looking at every result in the forum on "ABMaterial" and cannot find it again.
This is not an adult site! I live in "The Pearl District". Very swanky.