B4J Question [ABMaterial] Old Android Phone


Licensed User
Longtime User
On an old Android smartphone using the stock browser I always get this error (Ver 2.03).

This happens before the WebSocket_Connected event.
The real problem is that you enter into a loop of disconnections.
Is there a way to identify such browsers and eventually send an error message to the user?

Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Can you try these new b4j_ws/b4j_ws.min files?

It seems to be impossible to find out if a stock browser is being used (I searched the whole night, and nobody can find a 100% sure way), so I now do a check if Androids version is below 6.0. In that case I use ReconnectWebSocket, else the new RobustWebSocket.

Take a backup of your existing b4j_ws.js and b4j_ws.min.js files!


1. for this test, you MUST add Page.NeedsPlatform = true in the BuildPage for ABMApplication and each of your own pages. This will not be needed for the new version.
2. @mindful Does not apply for you. I'm now finishing up a test for 2.12 for you and I mail it for testing.


  • Newb4j_wsFor203.zip
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