I've find it such issue in the past and maybe I can't assure 100% but maybe it seems related on using b4-bridge/debug on the app before uploading/executing the app on RPi (didn't remember how I've solved but I allways look for the needs file before running the app)
The thing is on rPi in debug mode, it starts in a subfolder (TempJars if I recall correctly). However, the www folder and the .needs file are not in that folder, so you have to copy the www + .needs file there (and give that subfolder full read/write rights).
good idea to mention this explicit in the beginning of the ABMaterial page.? I came to the conclusion when i compared the files on the rasp local with my laptop
CustomBuildActions can be the solution: (after Compiling and Releasing the project, the needs file can be copied to RPi - a .bat that copy this file/s to a shared folder on Rpi (with Samba for ex) or creating a B4J app on Rpi to upload the needs file to the correct folder)
On B4J, there're only 2 Custom Build Actions:
1 - Before the compilation steps.
2 - Before the compiled program is executed.