Ok I did a quick check.
Websocket does not work in the 'Build standalone Package'. You will not make an ABMaterial server into an 'exe'.
The only thing you have to do is to download from B4X Java11jdk or 14 in zip. Unzip it somewhere on your hard drive, then in another directory you upload your jar server in ABMaterial: jar, www, js,css,font and the necessary files as you had in the project.
Change start.bat for your project and run it. It works 100%.
You can remove all directory 'javafx' from JDK, it is not needed for server.
set JAVADIR="C:\b4x\jdk-14.0.1"
set JARFILE="c:\projekty\testy\ab3\B4J\Objects\ab3.jar"
set STARTDIR="c:\projekty\testy\ab3\B4J\Objects\"
%JAVADIR%\bin\java.exe --module-path %JAVADIR%\javafx\lib -jar %JARFILE%