B4J Question [ABMaterial] size of text in buttons


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Hi Folks,

I have written a b4A app and that same app in b4J using the non gui version to create a web app. ABMaterial has come to my notice and looks interesting, so I am going to try to write another version of the same app using this framework.

So far I can sort of understand the information in the data app, but I have a few of questions:

1. Can the text in buttons only be uppercase?
2. Can I control the size of the text in the buttons? (they are ok on the pc but too big on the phone)
3. I have put a couple of buttons in the fixed footer, but how do I get the buttons to sit in the middle of the footer container vertically?

Thanks in advance,


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Longtime User
Everything is according to the Material Design guidelines of Google (hence the name ABMaterial) so:

1. Yes: Button text should be capitalized in languages that have capitalization. For other languages, colored text on flat buttons distinguishes them from normal text.
2. No: Heigth should be 48/36px and fontsize should be 14/13pt Roboto medium, on all devices. Use material icons if the size is to big.
3. You can try to play with the VerticalAlign property of a cell theme
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