Hi Guys,
In order to avoid deleting and recreating the a container's GRID over and over again, I went with creating a single 4 Rows Grid (different nunber of cells in each row) and define its starting visibility to "_HIDE_ALL".
Then when I need to change each row visibility with the visibitily propertie, Nothing happens!!
I kinda of got it to work, by setting the visibility propertie for each cell of the entire Grid, one by one.
So it kinda of works, but the rows corresponding to the cells that stay "HIDE_ALL" still "occupy" its space.
So if I only want to see the 2nd row, I set each cell in the second row to be visible, but I get a vertical offset that I can only imagine it to be the 1rst row and also an offset below correspondig to Rows 3 and 4 (?)
This kind of puzzles me because if we create an empty Grid, it takes amost no space when we set the ShowGrid = True