B4J Question [ABMaterial] [SOLVED] How do I refresh a table based on combo selection without reloading the page?


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Hi there

I have 4 combo boxes on my page, in each of the pairs, one depends on another. Each time a selection changes, the selected value is saved to session storage (if another related page is opened, values are loaded from session storage and display appropriate content). On the last selection, after the value is saved, a table needs to display content.

The table reads values from session storage and generates a query which then lists the results. The issue is the table never refreshes after the combo selection. The proper results do display as soon as I do a page reload (navigate) or refresh through browser refresh.

Perhaps there is something Im missing. How can I refresh the table without reloading the page after I do the combo selection?

Philip Chatzigeorgiadis

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Longtime User

Here is what I do:

Values from the combo(s) are used to create the filter for an SQL Select command.
This Select command is used in the LoadTable sub (which is loosely based on Alain's feedback app).
In this this sub, first myTable.clear is executed. Then, all cells are populated by the result of the Select command. Finally, myTable.refresh is executed.
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