B4J Question ABMaterial Success Stories


I am looking at using the ABMaterial framework on a project. Before I jump in. I would like to know of 'success' stories. The project would be on a lan network at two locations with a server at each location.
Is it possible to Use JRDC2 with the framework
How many users could a server support is 20 active users reasonable.
How about security ??
Any help,advice or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Longtime User
Is it possible to Use JRDC2 with the framework

How many users could a server support is 20 active users reasonable.
It depends on the machine you are running it but a raspberry could hold hundreds and a full fledged server may be thousands. 20 is nothing.

How about security ??
As secure as any other alternative out there

Any help,advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
There are plenty of tutorials around jserver/abmaterial If you are stuck most likely someone already solved it
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have written a few tutorials about the fundamentals of using ABM.
I have also expounded, till I am blue in the face, about the virtues of this fantastic framework and its' author.

My apps work with CRUD. Lots of it, so it is important to be able to handle this effectively.

For desktop web apps, ABM can't be beat. However, if trying to make it responsive across all types of devices, there are a few things you should know...
I am sure this issue is the same for all the other frameworks as well (extra code and device detection to format correctly on 99 percent of the worlds personal computer - that GD phone people have their face stuck into 99 percent of their waking time!).

This link attempts to explain what steps are required to accomplish this, if so interested.
This was hard earned and helped me understand the ABMGrid - at what it really means....

Remember, go slow with ABM - baby steps.... you shall grow into it.
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