Have you copied the jar, the .needs file + the complete /www folder to your vps?
creating: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/ChatPage/
extracting: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/ChatPage/donotdelete.conn
inflating: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/ChatPage/index.html
extracting: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/donotdelete.conn
creating: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/images/
inflating: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/index.html
creating: /var/app/staging/www/prova1/uploads/
inflating: /var/app/staging/copymewithjar.needs
Executing: HOME=/tmp /opt/elasticbeanstalk/lib/ruby/bin/ruby /opt/elasticbeanstalk/lib/ruby/bin/foreman export supervisord --procfile /var/app/staging/Procfile --root /var/app/current --app application --log /var/log/ --user webapp --template /opt/elasticbeanstalk/private/config/foreman/supervisord --env /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/elasticbeanstalk.env /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/supervisor
[foreman export] writing: application.conf
Executing: /opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/log-conf -n supervisor -l'/var/log/supervisord.log' -t bundlelogs
Executing: /opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/log-conf -n containerlistener -l'/var/log/eb-container-listener.log' -t bundlelogs
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.368Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/01_configure_xray.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.587Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/01_configure_xray.sh] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.587Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/03_configure_proxy.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.955Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/03_configure_proxy.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Executing: /opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/log-conf -n nginx -l'/var/log/nginx/*'
Executing: /usr/sbin/nginx -t -c /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/nginx/nginx.conf
nginx: the configuration file /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /var/elasticbeanstalk/staging/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.956Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook] : Completed activity. Result:
Successfully execute hooks in directory /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre.
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.956Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/EbExtensionPostBuild] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.439Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/EbExtensionPostBuild/Infra-EmbeddedPostBuild] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.439Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/EbExtensionPostBuild/Infra-EmbeddedPostBuild] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.473Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/EbExtensionPostBuild] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.473Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/InfraCleanEbextension] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0/InfraCleanEbextension] : Completed activity. Result:
Cleaned ebextensions subdirectories from /var/app/staging.
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage0] : Completed activity. Result:
Application update - Command CMD-AppDeploy stage 0 completed
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.484Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/01_stop_before_promote.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:00.469Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/01_stop_before_promote.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Executing: /usr/local/bin/supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf stop application:*
application:application-web-1: stopped
Executing: /usr/local/bin/supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf stop all
listener:supervisor_listener: stopped
Executing: /sbin/status supervisord
supervisord start/running, process 18936
Executing: /sbin/stop supervisord
supervisord stop/waiting
[2017-04-19T15:51:00.469Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/01stop_xray.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:00.747Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/01stop_xray.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Executing: if ( initctl status xray | grep start ); then initctl stop xray; fi
[2017-04-19T15:51:00.748Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/02start_xray.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:00.993Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/02start_xray.sh] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:51:00.993Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/03_stop_proxy.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:01.394Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/03_stop_proxy.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Executing: service nginx stop
Stopping nginx: [ OK ]
[2017-04-19T15:51:01.394Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/05_promote_application.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:01.693Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/05_promote_application.sh] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:51:01.694Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/07_start_application.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:01.943Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/07_start_application.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Executing: /sbin/start supervisord
supervisord start/running, process 24610
[2017-04-19T15:51:01.944Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/09_start_proxy.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.605Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/09_start_proxy.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Executing: service nginx stop
Executing: service nginx start
Starting nginx: [ OK ]
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.606Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/11_stop_after_promote.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.835Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook/11_stop_after_promote.sh] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.835Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployEnactHook] : Completed activity. Result:
Successfully execute hooks in directory /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/enact.
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.836Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployPostHook] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.836Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1/AppDeployPostHook] : Completed activity. Result:
Successfully execute hooks in directory /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post.
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.836Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AppDeployStage1] : Completed activity. Result:
Application version switch - Command CMD-AppDeploy stage 1 completed
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.836Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.837Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigLogRotation] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.837Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigLogRotation/10-config.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.019Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigLogRotation/10-config.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Disabled forced hourly log rotation.
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.020Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigLogRotation] : Completed activity. Result:
Successfully execute hooks in directory /opt/elasticbeanstalk/addons/logpublish/hooks/config.
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.020Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigCWLAgent] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.020Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.301Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigCWLAgent/10-config.sh] : Completed activity. Result:
Log streaming option setting is not specified, ignore cloudwatch logs setup.
Disabled log streaming.
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.301Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter/ConfigCWLAgent] : Completed activity. Result:
Successfully execute hooks in directory /opt/elasticbeanstalk/addons/logstreaming/hooks/config.
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.301Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3/AddonsAfter] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.301Z] INFO [24450] - [Application update need2@3] : Completed activity. Result:
Application update - Command CMD-AppDeploy succeeded
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] - [CMD-TailLogs] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] - [CMD-TailLogs/AddonsBefore] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] - [CMD-TailLogs/AddonsBefore] : Completed activity.
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] - [CMD-TailLogs/TailLogs] : Starting activity...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] - [CMD-TailLogs/TailLogs/TailLogs] : Starting activity...
------------------------------------- - - [19/Apr/2017:15:01:09 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:15:01:10 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 326 "http://sample-env.jmvcegicuv.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:15:02:06 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:15:02:45 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:15:51:37 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:15:54:12 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:16:08:07 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:16:24:17 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:16:45:04 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:16:55:55 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [19/Apr/2017:19:35:18 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Scanbot" "-" - - [20/Apr/2017:00:45:57 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [20/Apr/2017:03:01:07 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-" - - [20/Apr/2017:03:05:56 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 315 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" "-"
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.063Z] INFO [17459] : Executing command CMD-AppDeploy activities...
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.063Z] DEBUG [17459] : Setting environment variables..
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.063Z] INFO [17459] : Running AddonsBefore for command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.064Z] DEBUG [17459] : Running stages of Command CMD-AppDeploy from stage 0 to stage 1...
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.064Z] INFO [17459] : Running stage 0 of command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.064Z] INFO [17459] : Running leader election...
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.499Z] INFO [17459] : Instance is Leader.
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.500Z] DEBUG [17459] : Loaded 6 actions for stage 0.
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.500Z] INFO [17459] : Running 1 of 6 actions: InfraWriteConfig...
[2017-04-19T15:49:31.506Z] INFO [17459] : Running 2 of 6 actions: DownloadSourceBundle...
[2017-04-19T15:49:32.205Z] INFO [17459] : Running 3 of 6 actions: EbExtensionPreBuild...
[2017-04-19T15:49:32.724Z] INFO [17459] : Running 4 of 6 actions: AppDeployPreHook...
[2017-04-19T15:49:34.292Z] INFO [17459] : Running 5 of 6 actions: EbExtensionPostBuild...
[2017-04-19T15:49:34.866Z] INFO [17459] : Running 6 of 6 actions: InfraCleanEbextension...
[2017-04-19T15:49:34.871Z] INFO [17459] : Running stage 1 of command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:49:34.872Z] DEBUG [17459] : Loaded 2 actions for stage 1.
[2017-04-19T15:49:34.872Z] INFO [17459] : Running 1 of 2 actions: AppDeployEnactHook...
[2017-04-19T15:49:40.150Z] INFO [17459] : Running 2 of 2 actions: AppDeployPostHook...
[2017-04-19T15:49:40.151Z] INFO [17459] : Running AddonsAfter for command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:49:40.594Z] INFO [17459] : Command CMD-AppDeploy succeeded!
[2017-04-19T15:49:40.595Z] INFO [17459] : Command processor returning results:
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.348Z] DEBUG [24450] : Reading config file: /etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-stack.properties
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.348Z] DEBUG [24450] : Checking if the command processor should execute...
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] DEBUG [24450] : Checking whether the command is applicable to instance (i-0efeb643430478c0a)..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] INFO [24450] : Command is applicable to this instance (i-0efeb643430478c0a)..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] DEBUG [24450] : Checking if the received command stage is valid..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] INFO [24450] : No stage_num in command. Valid stage..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] INFO [24450] : Received command CMD-AppDeploy: {"execution_data":"{\"leader_election\":\"true\"}","instance_ids":["i-0efeb643430478c0a"],"data":"manifest_1492617047441","command_name":"CMD-AppDeploy","api_version":"1.0","resource_name":"AWSEBAutoScalingGroup","request_id":"ef755965-2517-11e7-92de-dd4c163bcefd","command_timeout":"600"}
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] INFO [24450] : Command processor should execute command.
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] DEBUG [24450] : Storing current stage..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] DEBUG [24450] : Stage_num does not exist. Not saving null stage. Returning..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.351Z] DEBUG [24450] : Reading config file: /etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-stack.properties
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.352Z] DEBUG [24450] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||_ContainerConfigFileContent||commands..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.352Z] DEBUG [24450] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||_API||_Commands..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.353Z] INFO [24450] : Found enabled addons: ["logpublish", "logstreaming"].
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.356Z] INFO [24450] : Updating Command definition of addon logpublish.
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.356Z] INFO [24450] : Updating Command definition of addon logstreaming.
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.356Z] DEBUG [24450] : Refreshing metadata...
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.829Z] DEBUG [24450] : Refreshed environment metadata.
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.829Z] DEBUG [24450] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||_ContainerConfigFileContent||commands..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.830Z] DEBUG [24450] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||_API||_Commands..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.832Z] INFO [24450] : Found enabled addons: ["logpublish", "logstreaming"].
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.834Z] INFO [24450] : Updating Command definition of addon logpublish.
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.834Z] INFO [24450] : Updating Command definition of addon logstreaming.
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.834Z] DEBUG [24450] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::CloudFormation::Init||Infra-WriteApplication2||files..
[2017-04-19T15:50:52.836Z] DEBUG [24450] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||ManifestFileS3Key..
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.016Z] INFO [24450] : Loading manifest from bucket 'elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-107843652417' using computed S3 key 'resources/environments/e-h58b3xsej9/_runtime/versions/manifest_1492617047441'.
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.097Z] INFO [24450] : Updated manifest cache: deployment ID 3 and serial 3.
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.097Z] DEBUG [24450] : Loaded definition of Command CMD-AppDeploy.
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.098Z] INFO [24450] : Executing Application update
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.098Z] INFO [24450] : Executing command: CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.098Z] INFO [24450] : Executing command CMD-AppDeploy activities...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.099Z] DEBUG [24450] : Setting environment variables..
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.099Z] INFO [24450] : Running AddonsBefore for command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.099Z] DEBUG [24450] : Running stages of Command CMD-AppDeploy from stage 0 to stage 1...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.099Z] INFO [24450] : Running stage 0 of command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.099Z] INFO [24450] : Running leader election...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.512Z] INFO [24450] : Instance is Leader.
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.513Z] DEBUG [24450] : Loaded 6 actions for stage 0.
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.513Z] INFO [24450] : Running 1 of 6 actions: InfraWriteConfig...
[2017-04-19T15:50:53.518Z] INFO [24450] : Running 2 of 6 actions: DownloadSourceBundle...
[2017-04-19T15:50:54.458Z] INFO [24450] : Running 3 of 6 actions: EbExtensionPreBuild...
[2017-04-19T15:50:54.957Z] INFO [24450] : Running 4 of 6 actions: AppDeployPreHook...
[2017-04-19T15:50:56.956Z] INFO [24450] : Running 5 of 6 actions: EbExtensionPostBuild...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.473Z] INFO [24450] : Running 6 of 6 actions: InfraCleanEbextension...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] INFO [24450] : Running stage 1 of command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] DEBUG [24450] : Loaded 2 actions for stage 1.
[2017-04-19T15:50:57.483Z] INFO [24450] : Running 1 of 2 actions: AppDeployEnactHook...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.835Z] INFO [24450] : Running 2 of 2 actions: AppDeployPostHook...
[2017-04-19T15:51:02.836Z] INFO [24450] : Running AddonsAfter for command CMD-AppDeploy...
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.301Z] INFO [24450] : Command CMD-AppDeploy succeeded!
[2017-04-19T15:51:03.302Z] INFO [24450] : Command processor returning results:
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.799Z] DEBUG [13792] : Reading config file: /etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-stack.properties
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.799Z] DEBUG [13792] : Checking if the command processor should execute...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] DEBUG [13792] : Checking whether the command is applicable to instance (i-0efeb643430478c0a)..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] INFO [13792] : Command is applicable to this instance (i-0efeb643430478c0a)..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] DEBUG [13792] : Checking if the received command stage is valid..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] INFO [13792] : No stage_num in command. Valid stage..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] INFO [13792] : Received command CMD-TailLogs: {"execution_data":"{\"aws_access_key_id\":\"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz\",\"signature\":\"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=\",\"security_token\":\"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\",\"policy\":\"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\"}","instance_ids":["i-0efeb643430478c0a"],"data":"8fbc87d4-2578-11e7-bfd2-63d1dd98ec69","command_name":"CMD-TailLogs","api_version":"1.0","resource_name":"AWSEBAutoScalingGroup","request_id":"8fbc87d4-2578-11e7-bfd2-63d1dd98ec69","command_timeout":"600"}
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] INFO [13792] : Command processor should execute command.
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] DEBUG [13792] : Storing current stage..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] DEBUG [13792] : Stage_num does not exist. Not saving null stage. Returning..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.802Z] DEBUG [13792] : Reading config file: /etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-stack.properties
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.803Z] DEBUG [13792] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||_ContainerConfigFileContent||commands..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.803Z] DEBUG [13792] : Retrieving metadata for key: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Ext||_API||_Commands..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.804Z] INFO [13792] : Found enabled addons: ["logpublish", "logstreaming"].
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.807Z] INFO [13792] : Updating Command definition of addon logpublish.
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.807Z] INFO [13792] : Updating Command definition of addon logstreaming.
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.807Z] DEBUG [13792] : Loaded definition of Command CMD-TailLogs.
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.807Z] INFO [13792] : Executing CMD-TailLogs
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] : Executing command: CMD-TailLogs...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] : Executing command CMD-TailLogs activities...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] DEBUG [13792] : Setting environment variables..
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] : Running AddonsBefore for command CMD-TailLogs...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] DEBUG [13792] : Running stages of Command CMD-TailLogs from stage 0 to stage 0...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] : Running stage 0 of command CMD-TailLogs...
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] DEBUG [13792] : Loaded 1 actions for stage 0.
[2017-04-20T03:22:21.808Z] INFO [13792] : Running 1 of 1 actions: TailLogs...
If the server replyed to you without entering the port number and we can see that it's the jetty server that replyed (Powered by Jetty ... in the screenshot) it means that you are running the app on port 80. You do not need nginx or apache server to serve the web files Jetty already does that.more info
this is the reply when i using the url without port number and the app name:
View attachment 54911
If the server replyed to you without entering the port number and we can see that it's the jetty server that replyed (Powered by Jetty ... in the screenshot) it means that you are running the app on port 80. You do not need nginx or apache server to serve the web files Jetty already does that.
Also ABMaterial does nothing to the jetty server it only creates a GUI that will be served to clients (browsers)
In post 5 you had jetty running on port 80. so you can just add the '/prova1'.
Try like this:
1. Put erel's web chat ... run it ... test to see if it's working on port 5000.
2. Close the erel's web chat ... start abmaterial chat - setting the port also 5000.
Be carreful that you set port correct on each app and if both apps are configured with port 5000 only one of them needs to be running.
I never touched the default environment of Amazon AWS: (jetty, proxy, etc).Ok ... have you tried again ? I am asking this because in post #5 you had jetty running on port 80 ... or did you setup a proxy with nginx ?
For abmaterial application you need to provide the path to it: /prova1 in the address bar, also needs to be set in the b4j source code. From the screen shot you posted you cleary didn't provide the address as such and there jetty has nothing to show !ABMATERIAL without port
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