B4J Question ABMMini Server.Startpage must have Page.PageHTMLName = "index.html"


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Playing around with ABMMini I set up 2 pages Start_Page and Other_Page.

Other_Page is launched via https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...lly-go-from-1-to-the-other.162178/post-994956

In my never ending quest for tidyness I changed Start_Page.Initialize to have

Page.PageHTMLName = "Start.html"

and got into no end of bother - until I changed it to

Page.PageHTMLName = "index.html"

then everything works fine.

Trawling the forums I can find no explicit information that says this is essential.

Is there anything?

Is it ABMMini specific?

I'd be interested in any feedback from ABMaterial experts...


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The index. html file is the default file a web server will serve up when you access the website using just the domain name and not a specific HTML file name. In the /var/www/html directory, create a file with the name index.

So i guess it is part of the http-protocol (webserver->client) on which page to start.
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