Hi all,
I need to select a clients farm once I have the selected client. So the farms radio group must be dynamic.
Here is a modified copy of the page template ConnectPage sub and the clicked event handler for the client group.
Note that this is all hard coded my code gets this information from a DB.
I can supply the complete template zip if requested.
My questions are about how I make the dynamic Farms rb group. I assumed that because the rbFarms radiogroup is declared in the click handler a new group would be formed but when run only the first formed group is displayed.
There is no clear method so how would people do this?
I need to select a clients farm once I have the selected client. So the farms radio group must be dynamic.
Here is a modified copy of the page template ConnectPage sub and the clicked event handler for the client group.
Note that this is all hard coded my code gets this information from a DB.
public Sub ConnectPage()
' connecting the navigation bar
Dim rbclient As ABMRadioGroup
Dim Clab As ABMLabel
Clab.Initialize(page,"lab1","Select client",ABM.SIZE_H5,False,"mytheme")
' refresh the page
' Tell the browser we finished loading
' restoring the navigation bar position
End Sub
Sub rbclient_clicked(target As String)
'This is from the demo BUT has wrong number of arguments >> Dim rb As ABMRadioGroup = page.Component(2,1,"rbgroup")
Dim rb As ABMRadioGroup = page.Component("rbClient")
Dim rbFarms As ABMRadioGroup
Log($"Inside rbclient_clicked getActive = ${rb.GetActive}"$)
Select rb.GetActive
Case 0
rbFarms.AddRadioButton("Farm 1",True)
rbFarms.AddRadioButton("Farm 2",True)
Case 1
rbFarms.AddRadioButton("Farm 3",True)
Case 2
rbFarms.AddRadioButton("Farm 4",True)
rbFarms.AddRadioButton("Farm 5",True)
rbFarms.AddRadioButton("Farm 6",True)
End Select
End Sub
I can supply the complete template zip if requested.
My questions are about how I make the dynamic Farms rb group. I assumed that because the rbFarms radiogroup is declared in the click handler a new group would be formed but when run only the first formed group is displayed.
There is no clear method so how would people do this?