About JpegUtils


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Could you help me.
I'm using the Agraham's jpegutilsdemo and I have modified it to
save the exif datas in a new photo:

i get the datas from an picture name 's.jpg'
and i try to copy the exif datas to the 'new.jpg'

exif.Initialize (File.DirRootExternal ,"new.jpg")
exif.setAttribute (exif.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE ,lat)
exif.setAttribute (exif.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF ,latr)
exif.setAttribute (exif.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE ,lon)
exif.setAttribute (exif.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF ,lonr)

In fact the 'new.jpg' have no exif data at all.

Thank you

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