I have created a database called "Atlas.sl3" with SQL . My question is, how to get the first field of a record with key ? My intention is to get the first fields of all records in a list , when i type 1 or 2 letters in a textbox and clicking a button . eg: when i type 'A' ,all first fields of records (Agra , Ajmer , Ahmedabad) starting with "A" should be added to a listbox . how to write the coding ?
I have created a database called "Atlas.sl3" with SQL . My question is, how to get the first field of a record with key ? My intention is to get the first fields of all records in a list , when i type 1 or 2 letters in a textbox and clicking a button . eg: when i type 'A' ,all first fields of records (Agra , Ajmer , Ahmedabad) starting with "A" should be added to a listbox . how to write the coding ?