Ok, thank you.
Time for a coffee then it will be B4i-install time!
Good luck - iPhone is not so bad, once you get to know all their "Don't do that or I will slap you" antics.
Most of your points are correct you have mentioned in your earlier posts.
Something to look out for (due to the fact that these devices are expensive) is the 32 bit/64 bit issue when purchasing a device. The best one i have found so far is the iPhone 6S+ - neat phone with a fair sized screen and some decent speed to develop on.
If you want to skip TestFlight, thats OK now as they have a New Public Invite to Test System (But I would make friends with this - it's useful at times). It does however reside under TestFlight on your Apple account.
Pertaining to your customers - I think you and I follow the same Business Model, my advice is NOT to create their account immediately, but rather use your own with a note to the Apple Testers when you submit your app for BETA testing, that the Clients Account will be created and the app will be published there once approved by your Clients. Otherwise you spend precious development time on finding and submitting DUNS numbers, letters of permission to use Trademarks/Copyright and trying to convince your client that their credit card will not be used for fraud etc.
Bal2Bil works well, but has problems at times with very complex screens. The way I go about it is to open my Android designer (where I use a screen derivative and anchor points as close as possible to 640 x 360 - most common screen size in Android apparently) and then open the Designer on B4i and on the iPhone 6s+ the screen derivative to select is 414x736 and then build my screens on a one on one basis - take each item, place it on the Designer in B4i and then the sizes fit almost perfectly with minor adjustment (I mean copy co-ordinates etc from your Android side) - PLEASE TAKE NOTE here - to avoid a lot of frustration on your iPhone development is that the client can use 2 modes in their screen selection -
Normal Mode and
Zoomed Mode, for example, on an iPhone 6S+ - Normal will report 414x736 and Zoomed 375x667 - if you do not have anchors and "Font Size to Adjust" set then it looks like you are an amateur without experience to your client as everything falls off the edge of the screen.
Public API's will be rejected outright and you will be threatened with a punch rather than a slap by Apple, so as far as possible, stick to the official libraries.
Most of your code is copy and paste and here and there you will find some incompatibilities (for eg. Message Box has an extra parameter) but they are quick and easy to fix.
Once your are ready for Beta Testing, you will see in B4i, there is a place under Tools-->Build Server-->Build Release App to follow. Once that is complete, then you use Tools-->Download Release - once that is complete to download an "Archive.zip", This then you Upload to your account by going to the same place (Tools-->Build Server) and Upload the Archive zip to your appropriate app and account.
One last thing to be aware of is the App icon - search here in the forum - there is a process and specific size that it must be and it must not contain any Alpha layers.
Other than that - enjoy it - it's not so bad !!