Wish abstract designer - ability to show/hide views while editing

Dave O

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I often have many views in a layout, typically grouped into various panels.

In a busy layout, it becomes hard to work on a certain panel and its views when other panels are in front of it.

Currently I move the desired panel to the front (drag and drop), try not to mess up its parent by dropping it in the wrong place, edit it, then drag it back to its former position (hoping that I remember this correctly).

(Am I missing a better way to do this?)

Some GUI editors offer a way to show/hide objects so I can edit a "buried" panel without disturbing the others. I think this would be a handy addition to the B4A designer.


Dave O

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I may start doing that for my most complex layouts, but I do like having everything in a single layout so I have quick access to all views.
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