Wish Abstract Designer - View as Source

Rick A.

Licensed User
Longtime User
As we can't visually design a panel with controls, load it as a factory template, and create new instances of it in a such way that it could be used as "new lines" (ListItems) of a CustomListView (it would be beautiful, by the way), should be great at least to add a new feature to the Abstract Designer, a "View as Source", this way we could see the equivalent code of that design done, copy/paste, and optionally make adjustments in the code being made to create such factory code.

Rick A.

Licensed User
Longtime User
There is no code behind the layout. It works differently.

Yep, I've supposed that. But my request is not "View Code", is "View as Code". When you select such tab or button, the AD traverses its objects' tree and writes and presents such equivalent code. It's a read-only window, where we just can copy the text and reuse it, all or parts, in our code.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
For example I just need the view name and type and its position on the screen getting top, left, width and height properties. With code you can do this with get recursive, perhaps Erel can have that built within the designer to even return a map object for each view in the layout. Then a user can manipulate that.