B4J Question Access to the JoySticks


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there a way to access a USB Joystick analog values and buttons???
Thank you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Currently no.
Thank you, is there a possibility in the future that it would work on both Windows and OSX?
I want to re-write all my control APPS, and make them compatible with ANDROID, Windows And MAC OSX.
Thank you for B4J I think is great. I wrote a test program to control my robots over WiFi and it works on Windows and MAC.
It only took me 4 hours' not too bad for the first time. I think this has a big future.
Once again that you for the gift.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I haven't looked into it thoroughly. I think that joysticks are currently not supported in JavaFX 2.2 and will be added in JavaFX 8 (next version). If this is correct then it will be supported on all platforms.

Hello Erel

Any news on analog joystick support in B4A or B4J. I need to write the control app for android on the Nvidia Shield.
Thank you for the good work.
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