Android Question Accessing SMS's stored on your phone


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Longtime User

Is it possible to read through all the SMS's stored on a phone and save them to a database?

I tried to search, but the search option is not currently working.

Thank you

Brian Dean

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
You cannot read SMS messages using current Android without Google's permission which you are unlikely to get. Prior to Android 9 it was possible, using content resolver I think.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
For whatever reason, Google seems to allow some apps to access the SMS database and do backups/restores even though the app is not the default "SMS Messaging" app.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
You cannot read SMS messages using current Android without Google's permission which you are unlikely to get. Prior to Android 9 it was possible, using content resolver I think.
still possible with android 14 through content resolver. just add runtime permission read_sms.
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