Please correct me; as I understand the What3words API needs to be used with internet access. Am I correct? Is there any way for a B4A program to access the API 'offline', i.e to generate the three words from Lat/Long using the API? If yes, how may this be done? Any code snippet will help me get to grips with this. (The Plan for implementation is an emergency tracking/transmission system which at pre-set regular intervals transmits your position in three words on a radio using VOX). (As opposed to transmitting a long Lat/Long position, which needs to be noted down. 3 words can be remembered when heard and recalled more easily. (VOX is a voice-activated transmission, the Radio listens on its mic for input directly and it does not need the PTT to be pressed)
The workflow I envisage would be like this, (the use case is that you need to transmit your location blindly on your radio when you are off the grid /offline and need help):
1. Get Lat/Long from Phone Gps using B4A Gps Library
2. Access What3Words (in offline mode, assuming you are off the grid) (How?, what API / interface to use, any code snippet to understand this) (REST API etc works online, as I understand)
3. Use the Text to Speech Library to speak out the three words out through the phone speaker, whose output goes to the radio (which is in VOX mode and hence transmits the three words)
4. Someone who receives the message hears something like this : " This is XYX, I am injured and need help, my location is "ABCD.KLMN.WXYZ". Request Assistance. The transmission string can be from a set of prepared strings and the location what3words generated as mentioned above.
Any ideas on how this may be achieved in B4A
Thanks in Advance.