Action every day during 15 days and stop 10 days


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I would automatically trigger an action each day from a given day for 15 days and then stop for 10 days and again for 15 days and then stop for 10 days, so for 2 or 3 years.
GivenDay is the given day

I don't find the adequate double loop
I have tried like this but it's no good.

Now = DateTime.Now
nbrDays = (now-GivenDay)/DateTime.TicksPerDay

Dim y, i As Int
For i = 1 To 15
For y = 1 To 300

If NbrDays = i +10*y Then
End If

Thank you


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I would be tempted to use the MOD operator so as you have a 25 day cycle it could be something like:

If nbrDays MOD 25 <= 15 Then Action

You'd have to test it to get the correct values as you can get a zero value, my maths isn't good enough to do it without testing it.

You may end up with:

If nbrDays MOD 24 < 15.

But you get the idea.
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Program Start: ActiveDayFlag = True : RestDayFlag = False : ActiveDays as int : ActiveDays =0: RestDays = ActiveDays

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Well-Known Member
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nbrDays MOD is the most interesting.

If nbrDays MOD 25 <= 15 And nbrDays MOD 25 > 0 Then Action
It works very well

Thank you
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