Hi, is it possible to use values from labels to populate an activity.addmenu
i.e. Activity.AddMenu(lblOpt1.text,"mnuOption1")
where lblOpt1.text is equal to a value created on first run, so I have six labels that change daily when first run, they contain the dates received from JSON data
So I want to create a menu that allows me to choose from the menu based on the dates shown
I have tried but whilst the menu is created it doesn't show any value I have the six blank options but no text but the lblOpt1 = "25.5.2018", lblOpt2 = "26.5.2018" etc
i.e. Activity.AddMenu(lblOpt1.text,"mnuOption1")
where lblOpt1.text is equal to a value created on first run, so I have six labels that change daily when first run, they contain the dates received from JSON data
So I want to create a menu that allows me to choose from the menu based on the dates shown
I have tried but whilst the menu is created it doesn't show any value I have the six blank options but no text but the lblOpt1 = "25.5.2018", lblOpt2 = "26.5.2018" etc