Activity Background image?


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How do you set an activity background image? Say i have a JPG image and i want it to load as an activity background.

I did it manually through the layout editor using an imageview, but the problem is i want to have a background before the layout loads, so when i use the slide itll keep the same background without moving.


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yea, i just figured it out. Done it a slightly different way though.

Plus i needed to turn on transparency on both my layouts plus set the level to 0 instead of default 255
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Thank you


I guess techknight forgot to thank u in all the excitement of finding a solution. If he allows me, I will thank you - it took me a while to unravel this issue - and you had the answer all along...
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Is there any way to set the activity background to an image file at Compile time rather than run time. I recall in VB6 you could add a background image to a form and that background was saved as part of the compiled EXE eliminating the need to have to load a background image at run-time.
Just wondering if that capability exists in B4A.
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Roger Daley

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Thanks Margret,

So simple when you know how. I wish I had found this post 3 days ago.

Regards Roger
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Roger Daley

Well-Known Member
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I know this is an old thread but, ... I now find I need the user to be able to change the background image.
This means changing the image programatically from the main acttivity. Any clues how I can achieve this?

Regards Roger

Thanks Margret,

Writing the question focused the brains cells and the answer came to me. Thanks for listening

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Use one of the dialog class.. I recall one has a chose file dialog... then set the background to the user's chosen file
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