I have put various sized icon.png's for my app in res\drawable, drawable-large and so on, and made them read-only.
When the (release) app is installing from B4A bridge, the correct icon is seen in the the installation progress box, and the correct icon is placed on the phone's launcher screen.
However, when I launch the app, for about 1 second between launching and the first activity being loaded (Fullscreen= true, IncludeTitle = false), I see a black screen with the app name at the top and an unknown icon next to it - looks like a small circle and a big circle with a green belt around them, cog stylee.
Is there any way I can get rid of this loading screen, or at least make it show the correct icon? I have quitte a large image shown on my entry screen so perhaps I am seeing this screen for longer than usual due to the image being loaded up.