It's not perfect, but it works on my Xperia
. Probably somebody can help you out with the correct typeface size of the title, I just guessed here.
Dim TitleWidth As Float
Dim strSpace As String
strSpace = " "
Dim SpaceWidth As Float
Dim objCanvas As Canvas
TitleWidth = objCanvas.MeasureStringWidth(Activity.Title, Typeface.DEFAULT, 12)
SpaceWidth = objCanvas.MeasureStringWidth(strSpace, Typeface.DEFAULT, 12)
Dim intWidth As Int
intWidth = Activity.Width
Dim intNeededSpaces As Int
intNeededSpaces = (intWidth / 2 - TitleWidth / 2) / SpaceWidth
For i = 0 To intNeededSpaces
Activity.Title = strSpace & Activity.Title