Activity transparent or semi transparent


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i set activity to colordrawable and alpha to 0 but the activity become black and no transparent?

Also, I put options no title and full screen but i run and title and fullscreen are not set, why?


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I understood the need to add: android: theme = "@ android: style / Theme.Translucent" in the xml file but why the IDE does not add it himself?

and why no title et fullscreen dosen't work?
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Where did you set no title and full screen?

You need to set these in the IDE, they are on the project menu under activity properties.

I think the settings in designer apply only to the designer layout screen.
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ah ok, it's very curious that Designer no communicate with IDE :confused:
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Is it possible to add a new release communication between the designer and the IDE so that the xml file to be updated when you select the transparency in the designer (@ android: style / Theme.Translucent) and updating the title and full screen or not?
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