Android Question ADB not working after Windows reinstall


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi All,

I was forced to re-install Windows after a crash and even if a completed the installation of all SDK, API and drivers, the ADB - USB connection with my device doesn't work anymore.

Before the crash it was perfect and not only WiFi works. I have the latest version 3.2 of B4A and tried to re-install the USB dirver for the ADB Composite Interface, but even if in device manager everythign looks OK, I'm still getting the message "Not Device Found" from B4A.

Any ideas?



Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm using a 7" tablet from Trekstor.
I think I found the problem. The ADB I got installed after I receoved my PC, is version 1.0.31. The previsous one was 1.0.26. I managed to find angain the 1.0.26 and I overwrite it inside the B4A folder and now it works.

Does it make sense or is it just my case?

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