ADB Server Error


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When I attempt to run a program, I get the following errror:-

ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: unknown host service

I have re-installed the SDK, no luck.

I connect to my device via Wi-Fi using B4A-Bridge.

What else can I try. This has cropped up suddenly. All was well a few days ago.

Please help.


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Hi Erel,

I connected my phone using B4A bridge.

I wanted to modify a program that I had made sometime in February. After the modification which was minimal ( a > sign replaced with a >= sign) On running the program, I got this error :-

Compiling code. 0.19

ObfuscatorMap.txt file created in Objects folder.
Compiling layouts code. 0.02
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. 1.37
Convert byte code - optimized dex. 0.51
Packaging files. 0.34
Copying libraries resources 0.02
Signing package file (debug key). 0.92
ZipAlign file. 0.05
Installing file to device. Error
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: unknown host service

Restarting ADB Server may solve this problem.
Tools - Restart ADB Server.

The error shows even if I donot connect the phone.

The program compiles fine and and the apk is generated. I could install and run the apk using some third party software, but B4A could not install it.

My knowledge on the installation process is very limited. I cant resolve this error. I can only think of one factor, that is that, I installed a program called superuser for root access to my phone sometime ago, I wonder if that is creating this problem??

Thanks !!
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Please help !!

I have re-installed B4A Bridge. The IDE connects but I am still getting the same error with each and every program.

I am unable to install any program on the phone.

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Also, If I remember correctly, with the AVD manager running the emulator the program would run in the emulator. If the phone was connected via USB, the device would show up for selection when I ran the program. None of this is happening now.

What could be wrong ? :BangHead:
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Some More info:-

In my Windows Device Manager Window, You can see the device as
---> HOME-PC
---> ADB Interface
---> SAMSUNG Android Composite ADB Interface

I cannot install either via USB debugging or via B4A Bridge Wifi

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Hi Erel,

How do I confirm that B4A Bridge is connected properly.

The app shows me a , the IDE detects the same and shows that I am connected. What else is to be done? Thats all that was needed earlier.

About 3 - 4 months ago I also connected the phone via USB and installed the program via USB with USB bugging turned on. Then the IDE would show the phone and allow it for selection for installing the app. Now even that does not happen.

I did some research on the internet and from what I could learn is that if the phone is rooted, there is some problem with ADB debugging. How this affects B4A Bridge I dont know. But there appears to be some connection.

What info can I provide so that this can be figured out. I did some development work a while ago (5-6 months) in between I have used the "superuser" app to root the phone. I cant think of anything else.

Can I run any diagnostic software to give you info on the sate of the IDE / the Android SDK (If that is installed properly) / of the phone etc.

In the meantime I used the app "Root Uninstaller" to remove the superuser app.

Please help. The IDE make the app, but it doesnot install it.
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Hi Erel,

an update.....
I connected a android tablet and installed B4A Bridge and B4A Designer on it.
I ran the B4A Bridge from the Tablet and then connected via the IDE.
The IDE shows the device as connected.

But I an getting the same error. This device is a company pre-rooted device.

So, the problem exist on two devices. Either its because of the rooting or something wrong with the SDK??

What can I do to provide more info for getting help on this.??
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Hi Erel,

Maybe the problem is not with B4A Bridge, but in the process of installation of the app.

i.e the IDE send the app to the device, this is done by B4A Bridge, but when the device starts the install process an error is generated which goes back to the IDE as shown.

Why do I get same error, when the device is connected with a USB cable and USB debugging is turned on? Sometime ago, when the phone was not rooted, the IDE would show the device and the system emulator for chossing between the two when the app was run in the IDE. This is not happening now.

When running adb.exe as follows:-
adb kill-server or adb start-server or adb devices I get the error that the adb server is out of date.

No devices show up.

But I can install the app generate by the IDE by third party software, or manually copying it to the Phone and running the app to install it.

Completely lost here. ??

Can I run any diagnostic software to give you info on the sate of the IDE / the Android SDK (If that is installed properly) / of the phone etc.

What info can I provide so that this can be figured out.
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Hi Erel,

Earlier, even if I was not using B4A Bridge and attempted to run a program, I would get a window showing me to selected the emulator for running the program. Even that does not happen now. The program compiles and then this error.

Do you want me to upload a screen shot showing the phone with B4A showing connected, the IDE showing B4A connected and the pop up compiling window giving this error?
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Screenshot of error With AVD running

Hi Erel,

I am attaching a screen shot of the error for your reference. This one is without using B4A Bridge.

Let me know, when to delete it from the server, so it does not hog space on it.


  • adb-error(emulator).jpg
    63.4 KB · Views: 989
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Hi Erel,
I have installed the latest version of the SDK again. No luck.
Why does the B4A IDE give an ADB error, when B4A Bridge is connected?
The IDE should install the app via B4A Bridge, should it not?

Any other suggestions? Is there any way in which I can run a diagnostic to confirm that the installation of the SDK is OK. I am surprised that this problem has cropped up. ALl was OK a few months ago?
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Solved !!

Hi Erel,

This may help others:-

This is how I solved the problem. I started the task manager and ended all processes that I thought could be interfering with the process of installation. One of them was the Kies software from Samsung for my phone. And Voila, the problem disappeared !!

Now the program can install with B4A Bridge on WiFi.
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In addition there is a process started by a software called Snappea for interfacing with android phones. That too interferes and causes this error.
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Hi Guys
I just come across this problem as well
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon

Restarting ADB Server may solve this problem.
Tools - Restart ADB Server.
No new software installed since last run

I've tried everything I could found on the forums
* Reinstall b4a
* Uninstall/Reinstall Android SDK
* End Process all suspicious Programs
* Restart the PC.

Even when I connect with B4a Bridge, and try to compile to my Phone it does this

Please advice
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