Android Tutorial Add a Change log as well as Build number to projects

A few weeks ago I posted a thread on a build number implementation for your project in this thread

Please read the above thread before trying to understand the following additions.

I have now extended this to having a changelog file (history file of changes made) as well. Most developers want to keep track of what has changed between versions/builds and perhaps allow user to view changelog.

My script has been extended as below

var fst, f, fileCount;
var ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending =8;
var filebuild = "D:\\Software development ANDROID\\bzPlayer\\Files\\mybuild.txt";
var filechangelog = "D:\\Software development ANDROID\\bzPlayer\\Files\\mychangelog.txt";
var command ="Notepad.exe D:\\Software development ANDROID\\bzPlayer\\Files\\mychangelog.txt";
var wshell = WScript.CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
var myresult, myok=1;
var mylog
var mycrlf="\n\r"

fst = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

//create file if its not found
if (! fso.FileExists(filebuild))
f = fst.openTextFile(filebuild, ForWriting, true);

f = fst.openTextFile(filebuild, ForReading);
fileCount = parseInt(f.ReadAll());

//make sure the input is a whole number
if (isNaN(fileCount))
fileCount = 0;

fileCount = fileCount + 1;

f = fst.oenTextFile(filebuild, ForWriting, true);

myresult= wshell.Popup("Do you wish to update CHANGE LOG", 3, "Program Change log", 65);

if (myresult == myok)
if (! fso.FileExists(filechangelog))
f = fst.openTextFile(filechangelog, ForWriting, true);
f.Write(" Build " + fileCount);
f = fst.openTextFile(filechangelog, ForAppending, true);
f.Write(mycrlf + mycrlf + " Build " + fileCount + mycrlf + mycrlf );
f.write("================================================= " + mycrlf + mycrlf);
} (command);

A small popup window occurs when you start compilation of your project and allows user access to a Notepad type text file to edit a changelog. If user waits 3 seconds the dialog disappears and program execution occurs. (so be fast to click if you want to enter some information... )

The Changelog can be any format the user wants but I use a simple layout as shown below

Build 148
First public release of myProgram

Build 171
- fixed bug with GUI and small screens
- fixed big with divide by zero
- fixed bug with user input

Build 192
- added better screen size choices
- added user buttons for settings

- fixed bug with making coffee

The Notepad window automatically goes to end of file where the script has added a couple of lines with the current build number and then a separator line of "=" signs.

Obviously by changing the script file you could even start a full Word processor or whatever and have a more sophisticated changelog.

Mike Maurice

Licensed User
Longtime User
An alternative to your scheme is the git version system that I built and have just added a build number option to.


I won't try to compare your solution except a simple summary. Your solution now has a changelog, which Git in effect provides. If someone is not using Git then your changelog is a definite advantage as the solution I built expects Git to provide that. On the other hand if someone doesn't need or want a changelog and is not using Git then my solution may be simpler to implement. I don't consider these solutions to be in competition; each has it's advantages and disadvantages. I only think of one useful comment: that both of these solutions are in effect shiny KLUGES to fix shortcomings in B4A. Consider this a hint. Hint.


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Mike... good stuff. I concur that having a "built in" version number and changelog should be part of some future (next week hehe) B4A release...
Hint ++
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