Add and Use Evernote SDK / Library


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Noobie to Basic4Android so I may be missing the obvious.

I want to use the Evernote SDK to add some functionality to my app. However, their instructions (here Evernote Cloud API — Android Quick-start Guide - Evernote Developers and here ) all focus on Eclipse and others IDE's. :BangHead:

Can anyone point me in the right direction / get me started on how to add their SDK Library to Basic4Android?

Thanks in advance. Sure appreciate it.


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Longtime User
Thanks for the response, thedesolatesoul.

Well, I played with the Android and Eclipse stuff for a few days over Christmas break and pulled out all my hair - hence why I'm now trying B4A.

I do have all that still installed. Do these instructions seem close?

Wrapping Java Libraries as Eclipse Plugins

I'd appreciate any guidance on what needs to be modified to work with B4A. Happy to buy someone a coffee or beer for their assistance as it's much appreciated. Excited to move forward on my B4A project.
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The instructions are here:

Basically you import that everynote library code into eclipse (its all in .java source). Then look at the evernote sample code, and expose the methods you need. It isnt a very small library, so just use the features that you need.

EDIT: Also, look at agraham's link. Took a while to write my post

EDIT2: I should edit my post, it seems wrong in context now.
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Longtime User
Thanks thedesolatesoul and agraham. Wanted you to know I saw these. Been too busy with my day job to circle back; hopefully next week.
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