Add Code

Gianni M

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi all,
how to use Tools ----> Components ----> Add Code ?

Perhaps, i can write a piece of code (routines) in MyCode.txt and to re-use it in various plans (creations) ?

thanks all

Gianni Maione


Licensed User
Longtime User

Fro what i remember, the code files are txt files and are added just like the libraries, I think that thay also have to be in the apps dir


B4X founder
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As Cableguy wrote, you add your code saved as a text file.
The text file will be copied to the application folder.
Unlike the dll files there is no need to distribute the code with your compiled application as it will be compiled (to the same EXE file).
It is also useful for large projects, to allow you to separate the code into several files.

Gianni M

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
it (code txt) works very well!!!


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Longtime User
From the original post

Tools ----> Components ----> Add Code ?

The disadvantage is that the code file is copied to the app directory so effectively breaking the link to the original code so that any changes made to the original will not be reflected to the copy, and vice versa.