Wish Add Existing Module Default Directory


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I think that if you have a Shared Modules path entered in the "Configure Paths" dialog, clicking the "Add Existing Module" menu item should open said directory.


Well-Known Member
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I think that if you have a Shared Modules path entered in the "Configure Paths" dialog, clicking the "Add Existing Module" menu item should open said directory.

Yes, hunting around for the right directory can be a real pain (you know where) most of the time.
I have been using a free product called FileBox eXtender for years that saves me a ton of time selecting commonly used directories.

It is NOT a standalone program. Instead it installs itself into the window title of virtually every MS Explorer window, including File Open dialog windows like File > Open Source so you can easily open B4x projects from your favorite B4X project directories.

You can add your favorite directories at the root or under a submenu. I have a submenu for B4A directories, another one for B4J, another one for icons and images etc. Any of your favorite directories can be selected in 2 or 3 mouse clicks from wherever you are and from any program.

I did find one minor bug in the software. You cannot add a directory to its menu structure from a File Open Dialog window. You must add directories using a normal Windows Explorer window. This is a minor flaw, but it took me a while to figure out why the program was crashing seconds after adding a directory.

You can get it here. I have been using it on XP and Win 7. I can't say for sure if it works in Windows 10, but it might. It is worth its weight in gold. o_O



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@Widget - Thank you for the link.

QUOTE="Erel, post: 482398, member: 1"]Why aren't you compiling the shared modules into a library?[/QUOTE]
That's actually a good idea. I was against it before but since I've created my "Community Lib" library, I could add the modules to that.