Android Question Add Existing Rows in Flexgrid Table

Hai, I am using Flexgrid Table. As I am new to B4X, I don't know how to add existing Rows to flexgrid table.

I have three edit texts, a spinner, and a button. I fill and these edittexts and then press Add Button. It adds the value into flexgrid table. In the below image(I have 2 rows). Now What is want to do is to cell click the first row and then make changes in either of edit texts or spinner and then press Add button It needs to add existing row(For Ex I have clicked the first row, then I press add button, It need to add in the first row), But it adds as new row as 3rd row. How to do this?

Private Sub btn_ok_Click
    If if_flexgrid.RowCount == 0 Then
        is_sno = is_sno + 1
    Else If if_flexgrid.RowCount > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To if_flexgrid.RowCount - 1
            Dim ls_sno As Int = if_flexgrid.GetCellValue(i, 0)
            is_sno = ls_sno + 1
            If is_selectedsno == ls_sno Then
                is_sno = is_selectedsno
            End If
    End If
    Dim row(5) As Object
    row(0) = is_sno
    row(1) = ip_editbarcodeentry.Text.Trim
    row(2) = ip_editpiece.Text.Trim
    row(3) = is_spnrlastmeter.SelectedItem
    row(4) = ip_editmeter.Text.Trim
    if_flexgrid.AddRow(row, False)
    ip_editbarcodeentry.Text = ""
    ip_editmeter.Text = ""
    ip_editpiece.Text = ""
    is_selectedsno = ""
End Sub

Private Sub if_flexgrid_CellClick(Row As Int, Col As Int)
    Dim Rowdata As List = if_flexgrid.GetCellRow(Row)
    is_rownumber = Row
    is_selectedsno = Rowdata.Get(0)
    Log("row no : " & is_rownumber)
    Log("sno : " & is_selectedsno)
    Dim ls_barcode As String = Rowdata.Get(1)
    Dim ls_piece As String = Rowdata.Get(2)
    Dim ls_lastmeter As String = Rowdata.Get(3)
    Dim ls_meter As String = Rowdata.Get(4)
    If ls_lastmeter == "No" Then
        is_spnrlastmeter.SelectedIndex = 1
    Else If ls_lastmeter == "Yes" Then
        is_spnrlastmeter.SelectedIndex = 0
    End If
    ip_editbarcodeentry.Text = ls_barcode
    ip_editpiece.Text = ls_piece
    ip_editmeter.Text = ls_meter
End Sub


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