Wish Add list of layouts to "Open Designer" toolbar drop down menu


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Right now in the IDE, if you select "Designer" from the toolbar, it only has a lonely "Open Designer" menu selection.

Why not add a bunch of his buddies to that menu! - Meaning why not add a list of all the existing layouts of the project to that drop-down menu so we can select "Designer" from the toolbar, then select the layout we want to work on and the designer will open and automatically load that layout.

I think this would make the "Designer" menu much happier!

Peter Simpson

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Currently you can open a layout file directly from the IDE by double clicking on the layout file name in the Files Manager Tab.

You can also open the designer with Ctrl + Click in the code:

Well I already know these can be done as I use them (but not really a fan), and I'm more than sure that both @JohnC and @asales also know these.

With a large project with lots of files etc (even if layouts, sounds, images, etc are placed in individual folders), it would still be nicer to be able to use the toolbar as in what's in my link above especially as the word 'Designer' already appears in the toolbar.


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Currently you can open a layout file directly from the IDE by double clicking on the layout file name in the Files Manager Tab.
1. Actually, you only need one click if you click on the blue 'Open Designer'
2. Usually, when a project is opened up, it is the log pane that is shown instead of the 'File manager' pane. So you still have to click it before you see the list of layouts.


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I agree with op wish and also understand Erel will have to update the ide menu, each time we create a new layout or change its name.
Maybe the latter is bit complicated for the ide menu logic, which is more or less fix now.

Peter Simpson

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@AnandGupta it's not essential, it's just a wish that would be nice to have. Even though I created a wish post about it back in 2017, I'm more than sure that I wasn't the first developer that requested it and I'm even more sure that this post will not be the last ;)


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it's not essential, it's just a wish
Yes I agree with the wish and will be happy too if implemented. Do not get me wrong @Peter Simpson

As a developer who creates numerous programs on the wishes of our users and keeps them happy, I can understand Erel's position very well. And also understand why he gave the 'click' on the layout name in the code itself, as it was essier to implement. So I wrote the reason for it.

Peter Simpson

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I can understand Erel's position...
I'm a Googol% (10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%) behind whatever @Erel decides to do with the B4X suite of RAD tools.

But hey this is a wish thread after all rightly or wrongly, but rightly in my case lol ?



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Yes, I am aware of those other methods, but those other methods require me to "search" too much.

1) Usually the .bal files are mixed in with other asset files, so I have to scroll through the list and visually search for the layout I want.
2) The other method requires me to switch to the module(s) that load that layout and then again scroll and visually search for the line that loads it.

Besides, the current "Designer" toolbar menu always seemed not quite right because it only has one menu choice - almost like why even bother to have a child menu option and force the user to do two clicks to open the designer - why not just launch the designed just by clicking on the word "Designer".

So, by adding the list of layouts to the same menu level as the "Open Designer" menu selection, it would just add so much more purpose to that lonely toolbar entry and give it the respect it deserves! :)


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Well, I create a "folder" (virtual folder - a group) called... LAYOUTS ? and put them all there.

Not only; the names of all my layouts start with a useful prefix: "lay" so that they are listed consecutively, even if I don't put them in that "folder".

No problem, very simple.

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Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
- why not just launch the designed just by clicking on the word "Designer".
This has crossed my mind hundreds of times too. As I said in post #7, I place all my files in categorised individual folders which helps a little bit.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback @Erel, keep up the great work...
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