iOS Question Add outline to text


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Sub CreateOutlineText(Text As String, StrokeColor As Int, ForegroundColor As Int, Fnt As Font) As AttributedString
   Dim no As NativeObject = Me
   Return no.RunMethod("CreateOutlineText::::", Array(Text, no.ColorToUIColor(StrokeColor), no.ColorToUIColor(ForegroundColor), Fnt))
End Sub

#if OBJC
- (NSAttributedString*) CreateOutlineText:(NSString*) Text :(UIColor*)StrokeColor :(UIColor*)ForegroundColor :(UIFont*)Font {
   return [[NSAttributedString alloc]initWithString:Text attributes:
       @{NSStrokeColorAttributeName : StrokeColor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: ForegroundColor,
       NSStrokeWidthAttributeName:@(-4.0), NSFontAttributeName: Font}];
#End If

Label1.AttributedText = CreateOutlineText("This is a test", Colors.Red, Colors.Yellow, Label1.Font)
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